OU ISE students use ‘Lean Thinking’ to improve operations, optimize space at Humble Design warehouse
The first grant from a new scholarship fund established by the Boston-based nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) is helping Midwest engineering students improve operations at a warehouse providing donated furniture and household good to individuals, families, and veterans transitioning from homelessness.The James P. Womack Scholarship and Philanthropy Fund, named for LEI founding CEO James Womack, provided an initial grant of $10,000 to place engineering students from Oakland University, Rochester, MI, at a Humble Design warehouse in Pontiac, MI.The university’s magazine recently reported on how the students are improving operations, safety, and space utilization at the warehouse: scholarship fund was established in September 2019 to advance how lean management principles are taught in schools and learned through hands-on practice: how to donate or get involved: Enterprise Institute Inc. (LEI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Boston, MA, with a mission to make things better through lean thinking and practice by helping companies create more value and prosperity while consuming the fewest possible resources. Founded in 1997 by management expert James Womack, PhD, LEI conducts research through co-learning partnerships with companies, teaches on-site and public workshops, publishes books and ebooks, organizes conferences, and shares practical information about lean thinking and practice. Visit