

The Lean Transformation Framework

What is the Lean Transformation Framework? The Lean Transformation Framework is a proven, systematic approach to resolving problems at every level of the enterprise, from…

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The Work of Management

Jim Lancaster tells an inspiring and practical business story in his new book, The Work of Management. It’s a close-up, candid look at Lancaster’s personal…

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The Work of Management

Case Study

Lean Thinking Therapy Spreads Beyond the Shop

Medtronic Xomed expanded the lean transformation beyond the shop floor to areas such as international distribution, product development, and domestic shipping. Along the way, company…

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Case Studies

Below are case studies from a few companies we have partnered with.

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Enterprise Transformation​

What is a lean enterprise? A lean enterprise is organized to continuously identify what customers value, while adapting to market changes. It constantly seeks more…

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What Will Be the New Social Contract for the 21st Century?

The current volatility in tech employment portends a shift from the sector’s earlier people-centered visions — and that’s concerning.

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person signing a contract


Preventing Problems by Thinking Upstream: A Talk with Author Dan Heath

“We should shift more of our energies upstream personally, organizationally, nationally, and globally. We can and we should stop dealing with the symptoms of problems…

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Training Kits

Training to See Kit: A Value-Stream Mapping Workshop

The Training to See kit enables you to take people through the exercise of value-stream mapping, from selecting a product family, to mapping its current…

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Training to See Kit binder


The U.S. Versus the World Healthcare Cost Gap

Lean thinking dictates that we try to turn any "problem" (or need, however big, however vague) into an actionable problem that can be analyzed. All problems come…

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Taiichi Ohno's Birthday and 100 Years of Lean

Today is Taiichi Ohno's birthday. Were he alive, the primary developer of the Toyota Production System would be turning 100 years old. Much has happened…

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Case Study

Thrustmaster Comes Around

The following Lean Enterprise Institute case study reveals how Thrustmaster of Texas successfully adopted lean thinking and practices to make sustainable improvements in a short…

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Lean Publishing and Lean Solutions

Normally I walk through other people’s industries. But today let me take a brief walk through my own: publishing. You don’t have to walk far…

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The Lean Manager (Chapter 1)

The Lean ManagerChapter OneCUSTOMERS FIRST“He’s closing the plant!”Closing the plant meant losing his job. Losing his job meant losing Malancourt. Losing Malancourt didn’t bear thinking…

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The Lean Bakery

Food should be fresh. Yet we produce it in big batches. If fast-moving, small batch, one-piece flow can work with car parts, why can’t it…

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The Lean Bakery


Highlighting 100 Years of Innovation in the Work

Comparing Ford’s 1914 and Toyota’s 2012 assembly lines demonstrates how improving work processes is the cornerstone of lean.

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100 years of innovation

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