In this highly interactive two-day workshop, lectures, gemba (on-site) experiences, group discussions, participative simulations, and group exercises reveal the key steps for implementing lean principles in a traditional distribution operation. You’ll learn how applying lean principles improves a distribution center’s efficiency, quality, safety, and space utilization.
During the workshop, you’ll participate in an experiential learning environment through a series of rapid plan-do-check-act (PDCA) cycles to understand the phases and steps needed to improve service, reduce costs, and create a problem-solving environment for continuous improvement.

Progressing through a three-round simulation, you will identify changes, implement them, and measure the impact of applying lean tools and principles to distribution processes.
- Round 1: reflects a conventional distribution center and its impact on customers, associates, and management
- Round 2: reflects a distribution center after a lean benchmarking trip taken by management
- Round 3: will reflect an operation after lean storage techniques and processes have been implemented
You will evaluate and compare traditional and lean operating systems for on-time delivery, lead time, quality, efficiency, space usage, equipment utilization, and cost per shipping line.
This hands-on learning experience will teach you the key steps for applying lean principles to transform a traditional warehouse operation, including how to apply the principles and tools so you can repeat the application in your environment.
Companies applying these principles, components, steps, and tools have experienced operational improvements in reduced internal damage and injuries, along with improved storage and operational efficiencies of 15% to 30%.
Who Should Attend
All levels of management, from vice-president to supervisor, change agents, professional staff, and hourly associates from organizations at any stage of a lean journey.
- Register three or more students from your organization and save 12.5% off every registration. To receive a group discount, register as a group through the registration link and the discount will automatically apply.
- LEI Co-Learning Partners: Register before early bird deadline for $1,199.25. Register after early bird deadline for $1,499.25. No group discount can be applied.
Cancellation Policy
You can cancel your registration for in-person workshops four weeks before the course’s start date for a full refund. A cancellation occurring within four weeks of the workshop dates will be subject to a $350 fee. Cancelling less than two weeks prior to workshop start is subject to no refund. To cancel, please call LEI at (617) 871-2900 or email