

Exploring the Advantages of Online Learning

Learn how LEI is tapping into lean ways of learning and leveraging the latest learning technologies in the design of its upcoming Virtual Lean Learning…

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Software’s Quality Leap: Three Lessons from Toyota’s Dantotsu Approach to Reduce Defects at Scale at Theodo

Bridging the gap between manufacturing and software, Theodo cofounder and CTO Fabrice Bernhard, explains the company’s transformative journey of applying Toyota's dantotsu quality methods to…

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A software development intently looking at complex code through a magnifying glass to indicate problem solving set in a futuristic environment.


How Lean Thinking and Practice, Grounded in Purpose, Helped Drive Amazon’s Success

Marc Onetto shares his experiences in Amazon, underlining the importance of a customer-driven approach in times of heavy demand and production.

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Obeya Management: 10 Practical Tips to Create a Command Center for Success 

Failing to manage the interfaces between functional disciplines may be the greatest source of waste, frustration, and failure in product development, according to Jim Morgan,…

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For Lean Thinkers, "Clutch" Offers Lessons in Planning and Leading

Read an excerpt from Paul Sullivan's new book Clutch: Why Some People Excel Under Pressure and Others Don't, discussing what made Toyota a clutch performer…

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Preventing Problems by Thinking Upstream: A Talk with Dan Heath

Tune in to the LEI podcast to catch a conversation with Dan Heath on his new book Upstream, which urges people to address problems before…

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Exploring When More is Not Better with Roger Martin

How lean thinking could help address America's wealth and power gap.

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Putting People First

LEI's lean product and process development coaches share the sixth of several guiding principles that will help you improve the success of your organization's new…

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Putting People First


Lean in the Time of Coronavirus

While lean offers no direct countermeasure to tackling the current coronavirus health challenge, Jim Womack points out in this podcast that key lean practices such…

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Is There a Tradeoff Between Employee Morale and Productivity?

"Is there a tradeoff between employee morale and productivity?" is a question oft-discussed in lean circles. Ken Eakin has his own take on this ages-old…

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The Future of Lean Learning: Introducing LEI’s Innovative Online Education

Dive into the Future of Lean Learning with our on-demand webinar. Enhance your capabilities and transform your organization with our new and innovative online courses.

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turning theory to action


Webinar: The Real Work of Management

The Real Work of Management webinar featuring Jim Lancaster, author of The Work Management.

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The Snowstorm on Your Server

When looking for a place to implement 5S, your company's server or shared drive might not be the first to come to mind. And yet…

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A Radical Redesign of Making Crudito -- and All Restaurant Kitchens

Using animations of a few basic continuous improvement tools, Matt Savas, a team leader at the Lean Enterprise Institute and a fervent foodie, offers a…

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Lean Management Leaders Weigh in on Climate Change, Coronavirus, Innovation, and More

Jim Womack, founding CEO of the nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), and Jim Morgan, an experienced product development executive, explained how lean management practices could…

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10 Golden Rules for Radical Quality Improvement

What you need to know and do to lead your team to make step-change improvements to quality.

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Operations IS Your Customer

Discover how redefining operations as the primary customer of engineering can transform product development, enhance collaboration, and drive unprecedented improvements in quality and efficiency.

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A hand holding a magnifying glass over the word "quality"


Mistake Proofing Webinar Follow-up Q & A

In a follow-up to the webinar Mistake Proofing to Reduce Medical Errors, mistake-proofing expert John Grout tackles questions from attendees that he hadn't answered when time…

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Assessing a New Way to Develop More Lean Thinkers

The James P. Womack Scholarship & Philanthropy Fund reflects on its experiments to improve the teaching of lean thinking and practice at the university level,…

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jpw fund for the numbers


How to Use Lean Accounting to Help Design Profitable Value Streams

How establishing relevant financial metrics at the start of a new product or process development project helps create higher performance value streams, according to BMA's…

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