

How Does Lean Apply In a Job Shop?

Dear Gemba Coach: In our job shop we make high precision modules and tools, work that involves a great deal of variety and very little…

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Case Study

Meeting Strategic Objectives

Turner Construction uses hoshin kanri (strategy deployment) and A3 problem-solving to create a management system that ensures it achieves its strategic business objectives.

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A Total Shift in Mindset

Lean thinking isn't easy to put into practice, particularly for beginners. Ghassan Saleh, lean engineer at MaineGeneral Medical Center in Augusta, Maine, shares his advice…

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Lean Transformation Starts with a Learning Culture

After attending a Lean Applied to Sales seminar, Tina Roach and Pete Mangan of ProMed Molded Products knew they needed to re-think the way they…

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Flaatnes Elektro-Mek Reveals How Double Loop Learning Supports Lean Thinking and Practice

Every experience is a learning experience. However, we tend to only experience single-loop learning where we reaffirm what we already think is true. Lean gives…

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Can Smart Manufacturing Replace the Art of Go and See?

Continuous improvement in a manufacturing environment has to happen at the spot where the work took place, shares Dave Westphal, whose mentor, Mr. Harada, once…

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Lexicon Term

Six Sigma

Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that aims to eliminate defects in any process. With its data-driven approach, Six Sigma has been widely adopted…

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Continually Improving the Strategic Planning and Execution Process

Bill MacPherson, managing director of Mercer Celgar, a division of Mercer International, describes how adopting hoshin kanri catalyzes and ensures the achievement of breakthrough objectives.…

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Creating Basic Stability

The lean movement's founder explains why you must achieve consistent operational availability before introducing continuous flow.

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We found your visit rather challenging ... does “real” lean have to be such a struggle?

Dear Gemba Coach: The question I’m facing internally is whether “real” lean needs to be that challenging or is there an easier way to do…

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How Lean Experts Create a Pipeline for Leadership Talent

Developing a pipeline for diverse leadership talent is a key principle for leading companies--and the topic of a session led by two Herman Miller leaders…

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The Lean Manager (Chapter 1)

The Lean ManagerChapter OneCUSTOMERS FIRST“He’s closing the plant!”Closing the plant meant losing his job. Losing his job meant losing Malancourt. Losing Malancourt didn’t bear thinking…

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Creating New Value and a Lesson in Fundamentals

After a recent trip to Toyota's headquarters in Japan, Jim Morgan made an epiphany about the Toyota Production System and the fundamentals at its core.…

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Using Value Stream Management to Better Care for Stroke Patients

"To make value stream management really work, the most significant cause for transformation lay simply in the shifting of team members’ mindsets," writes Lori Smith.…

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Reinforcing Lean Behavior Through Visual Management

"Without having a visual management perspective in place, it’s difficult for people to know what good is, what the standard is, and whether it is…

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Emerging Stronger

Learn how GE Appliances and Herman Miller leverage lean practice to design new standardized work for assembly to ensure a safe working environment for employees.

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Lean Leadership

On my gemba walks I often get comments and questions about leadership. “We can’t seem to get anywhere because we don’t have any leadership.” “Who…

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Are You Being SMART?

Coach Tracey Richardson shares five key qualities that should inform your A3 thinking. 

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Using Lean Thinking to Accelerate Decision-Making

Learn how flattening the decision tree enabled The Boldt Company to pivot quickly to keep essential job sites functioning and keep support people safer at…

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