

Shook Says Toyota Recall Could Cost Customer Trust: Video

John Shook, LEI author, faculty member, and senior advisor, in an interview with Bloomberg News about Toyota's recall of vehicles with sticking accelerators notes that the company is…

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From Recalls to Redemption: Toyota Did NOT Lose its “Way”

Jeffrey Liker, author of The Toyota Way and coauthor of Toyota Under Fire, sums up the automaker's response to its twin crises:"Toyota was heroic in…

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Toyota chief engineers have no power? Really?

Dear Gemba Coach: We often hear that Toyota chief engineers have no power. Really? So how does that work? Why such an organization? What problem…

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Leadership Q&A: Bill Hopkins, Akron Children’s Hospital board member and former vice president, technology/strategic initiatives, at Goodyear

From the LEI senior executive series on lean leadership:Hopkins on why Akron Children’s Hospital leadership decided to implement lean process improvement at all levels and…

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Press Release

John Toussaint and Kim Barnas Receive Shingo Publication Award for Becoming the Change

Healthcare leaders seeking to achieve better results for patients while easing burdens on caregivers will find a powerful new approach to healthcare leadership in Becoming…

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Leadership Q&A: Robert Chapman, chairman and CEO of Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc: “Guiding Principles of Leadership”

Barry-Wehmiller Companies, Inc. CEO Robert Chapman describes how the company's Guiding Principles of Leadership merge with lean thinking at this $1.1 billion global manufacturer of…

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Press Release

Innovative Book on Lean Product Development Updated by the Lean Enterprise Institute

With passion and penetrating insights, Lean Product and Process Development delivers insights into product development that cannot be found anywhere else.

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Press Release

Lean Manufacturing and Service Workshops Set for San Francisco

15 public workshops will cover how to implement lean management concepts in manufacturing, information technology, product development, job shops, warehousing, and distribution processes.

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Press Release

11 Lean Management Workshops for Texas Announced by the Lean Enterprise Institute

A curriculum of lean workshops set for Dallas, TX, will help manufacturing and service companies accelerate their lean transformations.

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Dear Gemba Coach: In the webinar, you’ve defined LEAN = KAIZEN + RESPECT. Isn’t it simplistic? Is that all there is to it? What about TPS?

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An A3 Antidote to the Opiate Epidemic

Opiate use in America has been spiking at an alarming rate. Many healthcare organizations, such as the University of Michigan Medical School, are trying to…

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LPPD Under the Sea: Efficient Product Design with Subsea 2.0

In this excerpt from the new book Designing the Future, authors Jim Morgan and Jeff Liker share the case study of TechnipFMC's work on a…

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Is there a lean strategy?

Dear Gemba Coach: My team demonstrated the benefits of kaizen to the CEO who then asked us what our strategy was. Is there a lean…

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Case Study

Toyota Partners with Nonprofit to Rebuild Homes and Lives

When the flood waters of Hurricane Katrina receded, they uncovered tens of thousands of ruined homes in devastated areas like St. Bernard Parish, Louisiana. But…

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Case Study

“Pulling” Lean Through a Hospital

It's not unusual for North American hospitals to try lean for processes where patient flow most impacts costs or revenue. These efforts, if successful, often…

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Align Your Continuous Improvement Efforts: Practical Tips from 4 CEOs in 4 Major Business Sectors

Four CEOs who are leading lean management voices in the critical economic sectors of manufacturing, supply chain, healthcare, and education, offer advice on aligning your…

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Overcoming Challenges with Lean Thinking Leads to Record-breaking Performance 

Despite obstacles, a new CEO transformed a manufacturing business from plant floor production to design engineering — and created a learning organization with a relentless…

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Jay Johnson, president, Plumbers Supply Company

As part of a continuing series on leading lean transformations, the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI) interviews executives from a variety of companies to explore the challenges that…

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Jay Johnson PLumbing Supply President