

Are These Two Non-learning Trends Hurting Your Company Culture?

The beating heart of continuous improvement is learning, concludes author and product development executive Jim Morgan, who has done pioneering work researching and implementing lean…

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From Modern Management to Lean Management

Jim Womack presented to the Honda Supplier Lean Network Conference on May 14, 2009 on the topic of 'Modern' Management and 'Lean' Management.

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Lean Case Study Interview: Q&A with Chad Vander Wilt, Manager of Transportation and Logistics

Chad Vander Wilt, manager of transportation and logistics at Vermeer, participated in one of the company's first kaizen events as the Iowa manufacturer moved from…

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Breaking Through To Flow

The other day I began a speech to a leading supplier of medical devices by congratulating them on the absolutely level demand for their products…

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Three Steps Toward Lean Culture Change

"Culture change typically isn’t greeted with open arms unless there is a crisis to provide a sense of urgency," writes Erin Urban. "Still, I’ve noticed…

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Are You Organized for Leadership?

LEI President Josh Howell reflect on a recent learning tour to Toyota and GE Appliances, sharing insights the group gathered about lean transformation.

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red paper plane organizing its team, business concept

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Lean Thinking and Practice

A five-step thought process proposed by Womack and Jones in 1996 to guide managers through a lean transformation. The five principles are: Specify value from…

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I’ve just been named team leader with zero training and my team is not co-located – where should I start?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’ve just been named team leader with zero training and my team is not co-located – where should I start?

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Ask Art: Why Do I Need a Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO)?

A veteran lean leader explains why companies seeking to cultivate a lean culture should establish an internal team to oversee the effort and explains how…

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office sign that says - Kaizen Promotion Office


Mining the Lessons From Designing the Future

Designing the Future shares a wealth of insights that transcend product development minutiae; this articles shares the broader argument presented by the authors in this…

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Does it matter if we call lean "lean"?

Dear Gemba Coach: If it works, why worry if it’s called lean, operational excellence, or the company’s excellence system? As long as we get results,…

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Serving Up Lean with a Southern-Fried Kick

Haven Hot Chicken used lean thinking and practices to launch a successful restaurant during a pandemic.

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Lean Startup: The Most Revolutionary Idea Since SMED?

"From my view, Lean Startup is quite simply the most revolutionary idea to advance the way business is practiced since the birth of Lean," writes…

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How to Lead with Respect -- Follow-Up Q&A to the Webinar

At the end of the lean management webinar “How to Lead with Respect,” we had a couple of hundred questions left over that presenter and…

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When problems arise, what helps you keep your focus on the work?

Learning how to create and adhere to management standard work requires a clear understanding of where all team members add value in service of our…

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Lean in Japan: The Benefit of an Outsider's View

"Sometimes when we know a process, culture, or organization too deeply, we struggle to view things as they actually are..." writes Katie Anderson who is…

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Lean Expansion: Spreading Lean from One Store to a Region at Starbucks

Scaling up is a challenge often talked about in lean circles. How can we best leverage our individual or small-scale wins to spread lean throughout…

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Andon Cues Service Center to Respond to Customer Queue

An Ohio Mutual service center has no andon cord to stop a production line but the principal is the same as in a factory --…

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What Will Be the New Social Contract for the 21st Century?

The current volatility in tech employment portends a shift from the sector’s earlier people-centered visions — and that’s concerning.

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person signing a contract


Learning from Toyota Way Principles versus Copying Toyota Practices

Toyota is an exceptional company, says Jeff Liker, who argues that the way of thinking is a model to learn from. But simply copying Toyota’s…

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