

How can we remain positive?

Dear Gemba Coach: I am a kaizen coach in a large company, and it never seems to get any easier. We’ve been doing kaizen for several…

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Lean Enterprise Institute Calls for Ending the “Madness” in Supply Chain Strategies

Shook made his recommendations on lean supply chains to authorities on Japan, leading investors, economists, policymakers, and business executives at Bloomberg’s Rebuilding Japan Conference.

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Not Every Problem Is a “Nail” But Companies Typically Reach for the Same Old “Hammer”

Learn how you can avoid the frustrating, ineffective, but widespread “hammer-and-nail” problem-solving pitfall by recognizing four main problem types so you apply the right problem-solving…

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Ask Art: Where Will the Biggest Resistance to Lean Come From?

Resistance to Lean will come from every part of your organization, senior management included, says Lean veteran Art Byrne. Knowing where the biggest resistance will…

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Ask Art: Why is Takt Time So Important in a Lean Turnaround?

Takt time represents the beat of the customer, or, the rate of demand, says Art Byrne: "As the primary focus of the lean company is…

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Ask Art: Why Does Boosting Inventory Turns Matter So Much?

If you want to deliver more value to our customers such that you can grow and gain market share then you should certainly focus on…

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Transforming a Food Desert to Food Oasis—During a Pandemic

How a group of volunteers used lean thinking and practices to make things better in their community -- and overcome the obstacles thrown in their…

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Kaizen and Innovation

Dear Gemba Coach: Can kaizen stifle breakthrough innovation?

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Lean management case study series: Lean Partnership with Dealer Network Helps Vermeer Reduce End-to-End Inventory on Top Sellers

A lean transformation had taken heavy-equipment manufacturer Vermeer away from batch manufacturing, but batch ordering by dealers was delaying how quickly they got equipment like…

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Press Release

San Antonio Lean Management Training Focuses on Manufacturing, Job Shops, Logistics, and Distribution

11 public workshops sponsored by the Lean Enterprise Institute cover a comprehensive range of lean tools and management methods

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Lean Manufacturing and Company Culture Change Workshops in Los Angeles

The workshops include 5S and value-stream mapping along with Sustainable Lean Culture and Kaizen: the Culture of Continuous Improvement, plus many more.

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Press Release

Midwest Lean Training from the Lean Enterprise Institute

Got questions about the technical, cultural, leadership, or management challenges of a lean transformation? LEI's Chicago workshops have practical, how-to answers.

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Lean Management Workshops in Pittsburgh Will Cover Manufacturing and Services

The lean management workshop series will help executives and managers launch and sustain lean transformations in a variety of business environments.

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Press Release

Lean Accounting Award from the Lean Enterprise Institute Goes to an Accounting Professor and 2 Ph.D. Candidates

As part of its nonprofit educational mission, the Lean Enterprise Institute sponsors the Excellence in Lean Accounting Award to support teachers and students in higher…

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Jacksonville Lean Management Workshops by the Lean Enterprise Institute Develop Leadership and Problem-Solving Skills

2 New Workshops Highlight LEI's Southeast regional training in Jacksonville, FL, Dec. 6-8, 2011.

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Press Release

Lean Accounting Award Recognizes the Work of an Accounting Professor and Graduate Student

Excellence in Lean Accounting awards for 2010 went to Daniel Harris, a doctoral candidate at the University of Mississippi, and Associate Professor Rosemary Fullerton, Ph.D.,…

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Press Release

Lean Transformations Require CEO Transformations

A lean healthcare effort put a CEO on a workplace team with positive results.

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Case Study

Herman Miller’s Experiment in Excellence

With initial support from the Toyota Supplier Support Center, Herman Miller cultivates experimental thinkers who make process improvements every day. Their work has yielded dramatic…

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