

Lean Expansion: Spreading Lean from One Store to a Region at Starbucks

Scaling up is a challenge often talked about in lean circles. How can we best leverage our individual or small-scale wins to spread lean throughout…

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Case Study

How a Bakery Uses Lean Thinking to Drive Growth

A lean system that runs like clockwork and constant attention to customer service enables Barcelona-based 365.café to achieve the seemingly impossible: supplying 55 bakeries out…

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EWABI, Earth Corporations (E-CORPS) & Electric Bamboo Bikes

Can electric bamboo bikes made in Bali offer a potential solution to global social, economic and environmental injustice? What does it mean that the Earth…

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Upcycling Products Customers Actually Want

Nathan Rothstein, president of Project Repat, shares the story of how his startup evolved from an interesting idea to a successful business.

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Why Meaningful Improvement Requires a “Growth Mindset”

Today is Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day, part of Engineering Week, Feb. 18 to 23. To mark Girl Day, as it is simply called,…

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The Joy of a Greenfield

Last spring on a trip to Central America, I encountered that wonderful sight for process improvers, a “greenfield”. And I literally mean a green field.…

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Improving the Value-Creating Work of Building Data Centers Around the World

Microsoft's head of data center lean construction describes how applying lean thinking and practices helps work teams complete their work more quickly, efficiently, and safely.

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data center


Lean Transformation: Thinking, Learning, & Experimenting For Today’s Complicated Operating System

Matt Zayko, an LEI faculty member, notes that many organizations that have tried to implement lean in the past 20 years have fallen short. To succeed, he…

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Lean Product & Process Development

Learn the systems-based method of new product, process, and service innovation that enables you to leverage your entire enterprise to create sustainable—and profitable—value streams.  

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Getting Started

Jumpstart Your Lean Journey Uncertain about how to kickstart your organization’s growth and empower your employees? We can help. Hop on a call and let’s…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Collaborates to Run Visual Management Workshop and Plant Tour

LEI teams up with VIBCO Vibrators and lean practitioner and author Gwen Galsworth

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Press Release

Lean Management Workshops Opened for Registration at Nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute

The workshops are designed to deliver practical, how-to answers in plain language.

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Releases New “Womack on Lean Management” DVD

James Womack, who led the MIT research team that gave lean production its name, reveals his latest research and thinking about lean management on a…

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Press Release

Lean Management Books from the Lean Enterprise Institute Win Two Shingo Research Awards

Follow the Learner and The Lean Manager, which explain the implementation of lean leadership and lean management principles, have won the prestigious award administered by…

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Reimagining restaurants after Covid-19

The future has never looked more uncertain for restaurants and cafes. The authors share a set of practical lean tips that can guide these organizations…

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