

Steady Work Shares Practical Ways to Create Quality Enterprise For All

Karen Gaudet's Steady Work is the story of a leader helping teams develop steady work to help them get through normal days just a little…

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The Difference a Visual Cue Makes

At work and off the clock, visual cues and andons keep us safe and aware of what's going on at all times. How do you…

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Manager-Employee Communication: What Neuroscience Tells Us

Delving deeper into how humans’ innate social need to be connected and accepted explains why and how a managers’ interactions with employees can make or…

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Lexicon Term


A kata typically refers to fundamental movements in Japanese martial arts, but can refer to any basic form, routine, or pattern of behavior. Recognizable patterns…

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Tapping Technology to Boost the Power of Lean: A Talk with Jeff Liker and Jim Morgan

What principles should guide lean thinkers as they introduce digital tools into their work? How about people, processes, and purpose, say Jeff Liker and Jim…

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Avoiding Common Pitfalls of Value-Stream Mapping

Mike Rother, co-author of Learning to See, offers some insights about the dos, don’ts, and maybes of value-stream mapping.

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Jim Womack on how lean compares with Six Sigma, Re-engineering, TOC, TPM, etc., etc.

It amazes me, but I still get lots of questions about how “lean” compares with Six Sigma, Total Productive Maintenance, Business Process Re-engineering, Demand-Flow, the…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Announces 19 Lean Management Workshops for Chicago

The curriculum of 19 workshops is aimed at continuous improvement professionals, managers, and executives in manufacturing and service companies who are implementing lean business principles.

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How Building in Learning and Knowledge Reuse Improves Product Development Success

Three leading practitioners share successful examples of how they built learning and knowledge reuse into their development process.

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Why does no one ask about production flow anymore?

Dear Gemba Coach: As I read lean posts and papers, no one seems to have problems like this anymore, but I am trying to convince…

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How Can Our Back Office Sustain Lean?

Dear Gemba Coach: The improvement program at the back office of the bank where I am a lean facilitator is slipping. For several years, we…

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5 Ways to Help Every Team Member Contribute Ideas for Improving Work

"Engaging staff in problem identification and suggestions for improvement is essential for any organization," writes Dan Fleming, Continuous Improvement Manager at GBMP (Greater Boston Manufacturing…

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From Chaos to Kaizen: The Visual Way

In another of his visual depictions of the fundamentals of lean, Andrew Quibell illustrates the process of transforming a chaos-plagued organization into one of continuous…

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Learning to See Using
Value-Stream Mapping 

Develop a blueprint of improvements that will achieve your organization’s strategic objectives.

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Manufacturing’s Next Chapter

Using the experience of GE Appliance and other manufacturers, LEI CEO John Shook reminds lean thinkers that much remains to be written in “manufacturing’s next…

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Do You Own Your Lean Learning?

LEI COO and Toyota veteran Mark Reich is back with a new series on the role of consultants and OpEx groups in a lean transformation.…

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