
Lexicon Term

7 Wastes

The 7 wastes are Taiichi Ohno’s categorization of the seven major wastes typically found in mass production: Overproduction: Producing ahead of what’s actually needed by…

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The Atlantic Quotes LEI CEO John Shook on Insourcing Trend

A cover story on insourcing quotes John Shook, chairman and CEO of the nonprofit Lean Enterprise Institute, and other manufacturing experts.

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute CEO John Shook on "Outsourcing: The Big Lie"

Lean Enterprise Institute Chairman and CEO John Shook will explore the problems and consequences of the race to find the lowest-cost provider in his keynote…

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Press Release

Lean Manufacturing and Lean Management Workshops Set for San Antonio

Early Bird Discounts of $100 to $200 are available until Feb. 2.

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Lexicon Term


Meeting exact customer requirements with the minimum amount of resources. Apparent Efficiency vs. True EfficiencyTaiichi Ohno illustrated the common confusion between apparent efficiency and true…

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Lexicon Term

Poka Yoke

Poka-yoke is a Japanese term that means “error-proofing” by implementing simple and inexpensive devices that help operators avoid mistakes in their work caused by the…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute CEO John Shook Calls for Ending the “Madness” in Supply Chain Strategies

Shook made his recommendations on lean supply chains to authorities on Japan, leading investors, economists, policymakers, and business executives at Bloomberg’s Rebuilding Japan Conference.

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Coaching Effectively Within Takt Time

When time is of the essence and work just needs to be done, how do you help someone improve their work or solve a problem…

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factory work


Ask Art: Is There More to Becoming Lean than Conducting Kaizen Events?

Kaizen events may be a key part of lean transformation, but they're certainly not the only aspect of it. They're just one step on the…

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