
Press Release

Second Healthcare Network Created to Spread Lean Principles

The Lean Enterprise Institute and the ThedaCare Center for Healthcare Value have formed the second Healthcare Value Leaders Network, building on the initial Network that…

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You Can't Kaizen Chaos

LEI coach Danielle Blais shares why she believes lean thinking means little without practice, explains the importance of stable work processes, and offers guidance on…

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Putting People First

LEI's lean product and process development coaches share the sixth of several guiding principles that will help you improve the success of your organization's new…

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Putting People First


How Lean Practitioners 'See the Work' — and Why It Matters

In under three minutes, LEI's Instructional Designer Masia Goodman demonstrates how lean practitioners "see the work" so they can improve it and describes how leaders…

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Designing the Value Stream

LEI's lean product and process development coaches share the fifth of several guiding principles that will help you improve the success of your organization's new…

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Designing Value Streams

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Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA)

PDCA is an improvement cycle based on the scientific method of proposing a change in a process, implementing the change, measuring the results, and taking…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Conference Showcases How Companies Are Improving Their Lean Management Systems

In a unique format, executives will describe improvement strategies, followed by change agents describing the how-to details.

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Tesla vs. TPS: Seeking the Soul in the New Machine

While Tesla has excited customers and drawn praise for innovative design and bold thinking, author Jeff Liker believes that it faces tough challenges in its…

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Redefining Work

We need to think about redefining work. Until we – anyone who wishes to bring about organizational change – redefine the actual value-creating work of…

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How a Problem-Solving Culture Takes Root

Changing one's own leadership behaviors is no easy task, but it can be done. Leaders can shift away from giving top-down commands and solutions to…

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Thinking About Waste Helps Build A Learning Culture Everywhere

Developing people to reduce waste in everything from using toilets to saving one second of work is key to creating a learning platform, says Sammy…

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Personal PDCA and How I Learned It

"In 23 years at Toyota, I had many assignments and different bosses, I managed many people," writes Mark Reich, "but a constant part of the…

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The Best Lean Post Articles 2013: Editors’ Picks

A roundup of high value-added stories you may have missed from The Lean Post in 2013, but should bookmark for a rainy (or polar vortex)…

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Hoshin at LEI: Connecting More Closely with Our Customer

Whether you’re deploying hoshin in a small nonprofit or a huge organization, the struggles are the same," writes LEI Senior Coach Mark Reich. "How do…

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Is a lean CEO's job different from a traditional CEO?

Dear Gemba Coach: How does the role of CEO in lean management differ from that in traditional management?

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