

LEI Expands Global Network

When I founded the Lean Enterprise Institute in Boston in 1997, I wanted to create a global network of non-profit institutes working horizontally to advance…

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Custom Training

In our customized coaching and learning experiences, we guide you, your team, or your company through the practical application of lean principles and practices, so…

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Case Study

Lean Thinking Helps City of Chula Vista with Budget Crunch

After laying off 350 employees and still facing a continuing budget shortfall, the City of Chula Vista, CA, faced a seemingly impossible dilemma: how to…

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Case Study

Fighting Cancer with Linear Accelerators and Accelerated Processes

A series of cross-functional lean improvement teams in the Radiation Oncology Department at the University of Michigan Health System (UMHS) applied lean principles to processes…

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The Birth of Lean: Conversations with the Founders of TPS

Fascinating interviews with the founders of lean. Learn about the origins of the Toyota Production System from the people responsible for its creation. As its pioneers…

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The Birth of Lean


Creating Standardized Work to Ensure Safety, Quality, and Efficiency

A Lean Global Network team of lean practitioners and coaches shares a set of lean healthcare tips hospitals can use today to support their battle…

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Why does no one ask about production flow anymore?

Dear Gemba Coach: As I read lean posts and papers, no one seems to have problems like this anymore, but I am trying to convince…

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The Dramatic Spread of Lean Thinking

Without question, lean thinking was born in the factory. Then lean thinking spread to logistics, to tie supplier production tightly to assembler needs and to…

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Case Study

Leveraging Lean to Get the Oil Out

Aera Energy LLC, a California oil and gas company, relies on lean principles to improve key processes, including drilling new wells, repairing existing ones, and…

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Change Questions: Navigating Organizational Change

Our latest webinar entitled “Change Questions: Navigating Organizational Change,” featured insights from Dr. Lynn Kelley and John Shook. Grounded in the principles outlined in Kelley’s…

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Change Questions Book with Authors Lynn Kelly and JOhn Shook


The Lean Manager

For many companies, the most important problem is not doing lean; it is becoming lean. How can they advance beyond realizing isolated gains from deploying lean tools, to fundamentally changing how…

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The Lean Manager

Lexicon Term

Training Within Industry (TWI)

Training Within Industry (TWI) was a series of training programs developed during WWII enabling U.S. companies to hire and train huge numbers of new workers…

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Case Study

Build Your “House” of Production on a Stable Foundation

Faced with downtime on key pieces of sophisticated equipment in a machine-intensive environment, Delphi's Plant 1 launched a successful improvement effort by focusing on rigorous…

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Press Release

The Lean Enterprise Institute, publisher of The Birth of Lean, Announces that Individual Chapters Are Now Available for Download

Lean Thinkers now can pay for just the chapters they want to read in this important book about the creation of the Toyota Production System…

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Talking Toyota Transcript
