

From Troubleshooting a Leaky Toilet Flapper to Innovating the Internet, a Comprehensive Problem-Solving Framework

Arriving at his hotel after midnight, author and business consultant Art Smalley just wanted to get some sleep before his keynote presentation later that day.…

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I Don't Know What I Don't Know, But Spread the Word

In her first piece for the Post, Lesa Nichols reflects on one of her most powerful learning experiences while working as a powertrain manager at…

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How do I re-size supermarkets when demand changes or to keep pace with seasonality?

Dear Gemba Coach: How do I calculate re-sizing supermarkets when demand changes or to keep pace with seasonality?

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Getting Started with Lean Product and Process Development

Learning and applying the concepts of LPPD is no different than learning any other new skill in life, says Andy Houk. In this article he…

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Keep Calm and Manage Stably: Akio Toyoda’s Response to Crisis

When we read the Bloomberg article Lockdown Leads Toyota Chief to Question Core Tenet for Carmaker, we were surprised, even a bit concerned. Questioning “long-ingrained practices” is…

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Akio Toyoda addressed the 2020 Crisis


Long Live Process Improvement?

For many beginner practitioners, Lean seems like just another "flavor of the month" program. If it isn't communicated and taught well, Lean can be exactly…

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Looking for split seconds, it can mean a NASCAR race WIN!

Tracey and Ernie Richardson explore how NASCAR pit crews use visuals for safety and speed.

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a close up of a busy road


Are You Ready for the Next Crisis?

The Cleveland Clinic's lean management and operating system helped it handle the challenges arising from the pandemic. Here are several key principles they learned that…

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Ask Art: What's Wrong with Organizing By Function?

While you might be able to survive and be profitable using a traditional functional structure the fact is that you will be leaving a lot…

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How the A3 Came to Be Toyota’s Go-To Management Process for Knowledge Work (intro by John Shook)

A3 thinking is synonymous with Toyota. Yet many often wonder how exactly this happened. Even if we know A3 thinking was created at Toyota, how…

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hands holding a paper with A3 template on it

Case Study

Lean Thinking in Aircraft Repair and Maintenance Takes Wing at FedEx Express

The FedEx Express lean initiative at its repair and maintenance facility at Los Angeles International Airport just began in December 2007 but has produced some…

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From Chaos to Kaizen: The Visual Way

In another of his visual depictions of the fundamentals of lean, Andrew Quibell illustrates the process of transforming a chaos-plagued organization into one of continuous…

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Ask Art: “Do lean conversions actually go smoothly, like in the books?”

Art Byrne receives many inquiries from people wondering whether lean transformations really are as smooth as they seem in books, or if the way is…

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Ask Art: How Do Improvements to Your Balance Sheet Drive Earnings?

Converting to true lean practice yields significant improvement in financial performance -- and one place to start is by focusing and fixing your balance sheet.…

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Balance Sheet


Ask Art: Am I Showing Respect for People by Asking for Fast Action?

Lean is a “learn by doing” exercise not a classroom training approach. The best method I know to achieve this is through a sustained high…

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The Problem with Batch Logic

Enterprise Resource Planning processes use economic order quantities (=EOQ), also known as batch logic, to calculate what is required. This is not compatible with Lean.…

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Ask Art: Why Should I Set Stretch Goals?

Art Byrne urges you to take the lean leap and set stretch goals. Setting ambitious goals shows respect for your people. Use the lean tools…

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Ask Art: I Want to Convert My Company to Lean. What Are the First Steps?

The former Wiremold CEO explains the commitment you must make— and the expectations you must set—when you start your continuous-improvement journey.

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where to start


ASK ART: “Why do you say lean is all about people?”

Lean is all about people, says author and former CEO Art Byrne, who has been successfully turning around companies for over 20 years. That means…

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Salvador D Sanchez  

Sal’s journey in lean thinking began in 1990 with the Toyota Production System (TPS) at New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc. (NUMMI), a GM/Toyota joint venture.…

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Sal Sanchez