

Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn: A Podcast with Katie Anderson and Isao Yoshino

Join us for this WLEI podcast with Katie Anderson and Mr. Isao Yoshino on his experiences with Toyota that formed the basis for Katie's new…

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Lean Fundamentals Bundle

These three online course serves as an introduction to the key concepts, philosophies, and tools associated with lean thinking and practice.

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Online – On-Demand, Self-Paced

Press Release

Fundamental and Advanced Lean Concepts Addressed in 10 Workshops by the Lean Enterprise Institute

The lean management training classes set for February through June 2014 will help manufacturing and service companies launch and sustain lean transformations.

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Lexicon Term

Kaizen Workshop

A group kaizen activity, commonly lasting five days, in which a team identifies and implements a significant improvement in a process. A common example is…

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A five-day kaizen event schedule








Art of Lean on Situational Leadership, Part 2: Toyota, Taiichi, and TWI Job Instruction

After the introduction to what situational leadership actually is, Art Smalley returns to run through some examples as to how this process of development has…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Webinar to Challenge Conventional Thinking about Leadership

Registration is open now for the September 9, 2014, free webinar “How to Lead with Respect.”

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Launches 7 New Workshops for Starting and Sustaining Lean Transformations

The new workshops address fundamental and advanced lean concepts for manufacturing and service companies.

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