
How can I speed up my team’s lean learning?

Dear Gemba Coach: How can I speed up my team’s lean learning?

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What kind of conversation should I expect during a gemba walk?

Dear Gemba Coach: What kind of conversation should I expect during a gemba walk?

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Does lean apply to sales?

Dear Gemba Coach: Does lean apply to sales? We’re trying to introduce lean thinking throughout the company and have found very little on how to…

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I’ve just been named team leader with zero training and my team is not co-located – where should I start?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’ve just been named team leader with zero training and my team is not co-located – where should I start?

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How Do You Spread a Lean Transformation from One Site to Many?

Dear Gemba Coach: My CEO has asked me to spread lean to 30 other sites. How should I go about it?

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Operator morale has suffered terribly since we implemented cell manufacturing, and the ideas that kaizens generate have been weak. Would you please share your insights on this situation?

Dear Gemba Coach: Operator morale has suffered terribly since we implemented cell manufacturing, and the ideas that kaizens generate have been weak. Would you please…

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We're working hard on problem solving so why don't I see any improvement in our problem-solving capability?

Dear Gemba Coach: We're working hard on problem solving, asking "why" repeatedly, and looking for root causes, but I'm afraid I fail to see any…

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As a business unit manager who is new to lean, what is the one thing I must know to get it right?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m a business unit manager new to lean, and our CEO has decided to embark us on a lean transformation program. What…

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Lean is not a bunch of tools to fix processes and eliminate variation.


How can firing people be part of developing people?

Dear Gemba Coach: Can you explain how you reconcile the principles of "developing people" and "firing people," especially in light of the challenges illustrated in…

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I’m not sure I understand solving problems one by one.

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m not sure I understand solving problems one by one. I thought listing problems and pushing hard to get them solved faster…

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If lean is all about people, why are the discussions impersonally cold and rational?

Dear Gemba Coach: Lean thinkers say it’s all about people, but the debates are then all so cold and rational. Where are the emotions and the…

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The Hunt for Alligator Eggs

"Like alligator eggs, problems often start small. If you wait a while and ignore them, those eggs hatch," writes Ellis New. "Wait a little longer,…

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Ask Art: Does Lean Really Work in A Non-manufacturing Company?

All companies and organizations, whether manufacturing or not, are nothing more than a group of people and a bunch of processes trying to deliver value…

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Just Trying “Stuff” Is Not A Real Experiment

"Today it seems like you can’t throw a stick of butter without hitting someone who is “running a lean experiment” on one thing or another,"…

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Being 'Right' is Not Enough

All of us have problem-solving experiences to reflect on and learn from. And what better time to draw out that learning than now, when we…

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Are You Being SMART?

Coach Tracey Richardson shares five key qualities that should inform your A3 thinking. 

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Just-in-Time Roundup: Great Lean Reads Across the Web (Vol.10)

Our latest picks for great lean reads across the web, this time from 99u, strategy + business, a hotel app company's blog, Stanford Social Innovation…

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A Lean Transformation Model Everyone Can Use

John Shook explains LEI's Lean Transformation Model, offering 5 questions you'll want to think about and share with your team to guide your own lean…

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Lean in One Drawing

An LEI faculty member explains in a brief video why it’s vital to view lean thinking and practice as a system.

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Ask Art: What's Wrong with Organizing By Function?

While you might be able to survive and be profitable using a traditional functional structure the fact is that you will be leaving a lot…

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