
We get good results with kaizen, but why don't they stick?

Dear Gemba Coach: Our teams have good results with kaizen, but nothing seems to stick for long – any advice?

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Why does kaizen feel like chaos?

Dear Gemba Coach: Why does kaizen always feel so destabilizing?

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View from the Hospital Floor: How to Build a Culture of Improvement One Unit at a Time

In this follow-up to our earlier case study "Transforming Healthcare: What Matters Most?", we examine how the Cleveland Clinic is accelerating a lean transformation with…

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A Philanthropic 'Lean Internship' Experiment Yields Unexpected Question About Purpose

To understand what could work in a hands-on, gemba-based lean learning experience, the LEI's JPW Fund did what lean practitioners do — they ran a…

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Why One Startup Will Never "Change the World"

Nathan Rothstein, co-founder of Project Repat, calls for founders to stop pitching their companies as "world-changing" charitable organizations. Businesses should focus on solving customer problems,…

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Ask Art: What Is the Biggest Cultural Change Barrier to Lean?

Art Byrne tackles the biggest cultural barrier to adopting lean practices in companies: the resistance of CEOs and senior management.

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An Interview with Executive and Lean Practitioner Gary Berndt

Gary Berndt, who has led lean transformations in a variety of companies, answers questions about connecting lean efforts to strategy and financial objectives, executive behavior…

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Follow-up Q & A to the Webinar “Getting to Everyday Improvement: How to Connect the Science and Culture of Problem Solving”

A follow-up Q&A with presenters Judy Worth and Beau Keyte for the Lean Enterprise Institute's webinar on Getting to Everyday Improvement.

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Human Resources and Lean; It Really Is About People

Despite an expert’s exhortations to “do more kaizen, develop kaizen mind” this lean transformation failed. Find out why from someone who saw it happen and…

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“People who can’t change their minds can’t change anything else”

Many people argue that if lean management really was a powerful strategy, rather than an operational tactic, then more companies would be doing it, says…

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Kanban As A Learning Strategy

Toyota’s Kanban legacy—and its underlying ideas—have far more direct lineage with today’s digital economy than most folks realize; and capture the core elements of the…

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Ask Art: At What Pace Should A Lean Turnaround Be Implemented?”

Changing from a traditional batch, make-the-month culture to a lean value driven culture takes a lot of time and effort, says Art Byrne. The faster…

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Making Pivots Operational

Learn how NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP) hospital (NYP) pivoted to meet crisis-level demands at the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic -- thanks to their existing daily management…

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Ask Art: Why Are Leaps of Faith Involved in a Lean Turnaround?

Leaps of faith are not incidental associations with a lean turnaround; they are a basic requirement, argues lean veteran Art Byrne.

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Becoming Lean Means Reorganizing Around Value Streams

After successfully implementing lean strategies in more than 30 companies in 14 different countries, former Wiremold CEO Art Byrne identifies this mistake as the biggest…

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For Distribution Managers, Lean Means a Sea Change in Roles

Making the leap to lean management in the warehouse or the supply chain requires the same kind of cultural shift and change in management behaviors…

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Lessons From LEI Partners on How Change Happens: An Interview with John Shook

An interview with Lean Enterprise Institute Chairman and CEO John Shook on the LEI Partners Program, collaborative learning, and what's next for LEI.

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How to More Effectively Change Mindsets through Coaching

In her many years as a coach, Karyn Ross has found an alternative to the current paradigm of changing mindsets. The Lean Post recently sat…

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Can I change a company's attitude that people can't be trusted to do their jobs unless they are scared into complying?

Dear Gemba Coach: A major assumption in lean thinking is that people genuinely want to do a good job, and the only thing standing in…

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A Quick Guide to Running Experiments

The value-stream improvement method described in Perfecting Patient Journeys differs from the traditional committee approach to making organizational changes. Both methods involve discussion and action,…

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