
Seeking Radical Quality in the Tech Industry

The CTO of a website design firm explains how a recent book on radical quality improvement in manufacturing inspired him to initiate similar experiments in…

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Quality in Technology

Case Study

Meeting Strategic Objectives

Turner Construction uses hoshin kanri (strategy deployment) and A3 problem-solving to create a management system that ensures it achieves its strategic business objectives.

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A male and female walking up steps to reach a target with bullseye


Art of Lean on Work & Waste, Part 4: Excess Conveyance

Hi everyone. This is Art Smalley, president of Art of Lean, Incorporated. Today, on behalf of the Lean Enterprise Institute, we’re going to do a…

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Art of Lean on Work & Waste, Part 4: Excess Conveyance


Ask Art: What Is the Biggest Cultural Change Barrier to Lean?

Art Byrne tackles the biggest cultural barrier to adopting lean practices in companies: the resistance of CEOs and senior management.

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An arrow made up of business transformation terms like "challenges", "goals", and "improvement"


Ask Art: Why Do I Need a Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO)?

A veteran lean leader explains why companies seeking to cultivate a lean culture should establish an internal team to oversee the effort and explains how…

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office sign that says - Kaizen Promotion Office


Why ‘Framing’ is Crucial to Leadership and Encouraging Team Unity

A personal reflection of a company’s response to challenges brought on by Covid explores the fundamental thinking that drives how leaders lead — and explains…

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male leader standing ans speakingin a team meeting


What Matters When Giving — or Accepting — the Gift of Lean Thinking and Practice

Some “flavors” of lean are better than others. Here’s a description of one of the best — contrasted with examples of bad leadership practices.

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image showing ownership and responsibility at an organization


Are You Organized for Leadership?

LEI President Josh Howell reflect on a recent learning tour to Toyota and GE Appliances, sharing insights the group gathered about lean transformation.

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red paper plane organizing its team, business concept


From Concept to Reality: The Importance of Manufacturing Know-How in Product Development

This month’s Design Brief examines the know-how behind making things well, including how rigorous process development paired with product development improves quality and costs, how…

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from design to product


Lean Product and Process Development at Scale: Implementing Obeya Across Global Teams

When implementing obeya workplaces globally, an easy trap to fall into is requiring that each location have the same look, feel, and metrics. Steve Shoemaker,…

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200,000 Preventable Deaths: It’s Time for Fundamental Change

The news reports that an estimated 200,000 people will die from preventable medical mistakes this year is a sad and telling statement on the abundant…

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Why You Need a Product Focus for an Enterprise Transformation: A Talk By Jim Morgan

In this talk from the 2018 Designing the Future summit, former Rivian COO and LEI Senior Advisor Jim Morgan discusses how Lean Product and Process…

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A Week of Kaizen in Just One Day

"Often when I hear people talk about kaizen, they are under the impression that this is some huge event with dozens of people fixing loads…

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text, whiteboard


Taking Time for a Year-End Reflection with the Most Popular Lean Articles, Podcasts, and Videos of 2020

This year's content featured plenty of guests, returns from lean legends, and handfuls of ways that lean has been applicable in 2020.

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Leadership Q&A: Karl Wadensten, president, VIBCO

From the LEI senior executive series on lean leadership:In the first couple years of its lean transformation VIBCO, Inc. saved over $2 million in inventory, cut…

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Lessons on Managing Time from the hit show, The Bear

Dive into the world of The Bear, a TV show that authentically captures the intense challenges of restaurant life. Discover how lean thinking and collaborative…

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kitchen in chaos


From Lean Tools to Lean Management

I’ve been thinking about the challenge of lean transformation for 27 years now, since I started studying Toyota as part of the MIT global automotive…

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