
Valuing The Tradition of Learning and Sharing Lean: a new WLEI Podcast

This new WLEI podcast, recorded live at the 2018 summit, features a panel discussion with Jim Womack and three lean converts on the value of…

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Advice from the Gemba: The Most Frustrating Types of Waste (and How to Eliminate Them!) II

If you've ever lost sleep over a particularly frustrating source of waste in your organization, you're not alone. Today we feature two experienced lean educators…

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Standard Work Roundup

Several terrific articles have appeared recently, emphasizing the importance and complexity of a key lean practice: standard (or standardized) work, which we’ll call SW. So…

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Improving a Complex Process that Saves Lives: Lean Transformation at LifeShare Donor Services of Oklahoma

"This is a model, like a lot of good leadership models, where you teach people the thinking and then need to get the heck of…

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Reflections from LEI’s New President, Josh Howell

Josh Howell, an experienced manager and lean management coach, is LEI’s new president and executive team leader. Read his note to the lean community and…

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Ron Pereira and Jim Morgan Discuss the Power of Lean Product and Process Development

Check out excerpts from Gemba Academy's podcast with Jim Morgan on core lean product and process development concepts, what makes "LPPD" different from traditional product…

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Developing Awareness On the Gemba (part 2)

In this followup to her article on ways to develop awareness on the gemba, Lean Coach Sandrine Olivencia argues that it is important to have…

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Creating New Value and a Lesson in Fundamentals

After a recent trip to Toyota's headquarters in Japan, Jim Morgan made an epiphany about the Toyota Production System and the fundamentals at its core.…

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TPS 2.0?

Jim Morgan and Jeffrey Liker chime in on Toyota's announcement of their TNGA program (Toyota New Global Architecture). "The impetus for TNGA is not the…

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Establishing Lean Healthcare Believers When Professional Society Allegiance Impedes Engagement

When implementing lean in a healthcare organization, it's not uncommon to encounter resistance from medical professionals set in their traditional ways. Resistance is natural in…

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The Art of Lean: Use These Tools to Help You Improve a Process, Part 2

Take a closer look into this four-step approach that will help you "pinpoint the tricky parts" of a process as you work to improve it,…

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Keeping the "Day One" Spirit Alive

Building in a cadence of gemba walks helps nurture the vital "day one" startup spirit as a company grows, says Regis Medina. He offers key…

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Lean Roundup: Hoshin Kanri

Hoshin Kanri, described as "a management system that allows the organization to quickly and effectively adjust its priorities while engaging the team," has been the…

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The Role of Lean Product and Process Development in Building the Lean Enterprise

A distinguished group of lean leaders discusses the role of Lean Product and Process Development in building the lean enterprise during a panel discussion during…

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Five Revolutions Into the Lean Journey: What's Next?

The current pandemic serves as an opportunity for us to rethink the world of enterprise (and more), says Dan Jones. He reflects on five lean…

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How Short, Structured Communication Cycles Help Hospitals Solve Problems, Offer Support to Staff

The Global Lean Healthcare Initiative shares the seven key lean practices -- each with a set of actionable tips -- that can help healthcare teams…

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Developing Problem Solvers

We traditionally see an organisation as a collection of departments or activities, each managed separately and each separated from the rest by inventories or time…

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Accelerating Justice with Lean Forensics

One of our most popular subjects on The Lean Post is the use of lean in unorthodox places. But one gemba that we have yet…

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Testing the Lean Transformation Model in India

Dhirendra Kumar Dubey of Lean Management Institute of India (LMII) shares what he's learned about the effectiveness of the Lean Transformation Model through institute projects.

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Process Leadership

I first heard the term Kaikaku over ten years ago when travelling with a Toyota Sensei around Japan, while researching our Lean Thinking book. As…

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