
Can Lean Know-How Come Home?

When you decide to stop making things, you lose the ability to make things, argues Eric Buehrens: not just the displaced assembly workers who have…

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How to Scale Up Positive Social Change

Far more households globally have access to a mobile phone than a toilet, notes Ann Mei Chang, a tech executive turned social innovator and author.…

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Leading with Respect is Not a Soft Skill: An interview with Mike Orzen

By definition, a hard skill is a skill that can be defined, measured, and taught. Does that sound like it describes leadership? Probably not, but…

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The Lean Genie Problem

"For leaders and CI professionals, it’s not practical to rely on the team you’re working with to institute every change that’s needed each time you…

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Lead Lean by Being Lean

Lean just doesn't work if leaders don't actively, consistently demonstrate lean thinking themselves. In his first piece for the Post, lean coach Jim Luckman explains…

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Sensing the Gemba

The next time you show up at the gemba to do a “go and see,” take a personal assessment of your level of focus, presence…

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Enabling Change Through the Power of Story

Roberto Priolo, editor of Planet Lean, shares why not just reflection, but writing (and storytelling) is so helpful for the lean practitioner. In short, a…

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Action Plan for Hard Times

Last week I pointed out that the big leaps in applying lean thinking have all been made in hard times. I therefore urged everyone to…

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Why Toyota Won and How Toyota Can Lose

Simon & Schuster has just re-issued The Machine That Changed the World, which Dan Jones, Dan Roos, and I co-authored 17 years ago. Doubtless, our…

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What I've Learned About Planning and Execution

By the time I founded the Lean Enterprise Institute in mid-1997, I had been thinking for years about how organizations prioritize and plan. And I…

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Lean Beyond the Factory

I've been thinking a lot recently about just what a business really is.  As a lean process thinker, my best answer is that a business…

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Why do the characters in your books struggle a lot with lean?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m new to lean and I’ve just finished reading “The Gold Mine” and “The Lean Manager” and enjoyed them thoroughly – thank…

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Ask Art: Is There More to Becoming Lean than Conducting Kaizen Events?

Kaizen events may be a key part of lean transformation, but they're certainly not the only aspect of it. They're just one step on the…

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What Do I Tell My Leaders When Experiments Fail?

When experiments fail, it's natural for a leadership team to get nervous. But in the context of lean, they shouldn't be - it's just a…

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How to Develop Healthy Habits for Mindful Coaching

Powerful lean coaches help others create productive habits that over time produce a type of "muscle memory" that forms a foundation for long-term growth and…

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In Search of Value Stream Architects

Recently I've been spending most of my gemba time walking through value-creating processes in organizations far away from manufacturing. And the further away I get…

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