

Emergency Departments Use Lean Principles in an Effort to Perfect Patient Journeys

Sixty hospital emergency departments in Michigan formed a collaborative to apply the value-stream improvement methodology to cut the length of stay for patients.

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Navigating Organizational Change: A Conversation with Dr. Lynn Kelley

In this podcast episode, LEI chats with Dr. Lynn Kelley to delve into organizational change: how to design it, execute it, and sustain it.

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WLEI podcast with Lynn Kelly on her book, Change Questions


Lean Management Benefits Delayed at Airlines and Aerospace Companies by Traditional Management Practices

Lean manufacturing tools such as 5S, kaizen, and kanban are common in aerospace shops and offices, but their effect is hamstrung by the existing modern…

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Press Release

On the Mend, a Book on Lean Healthcare from the Lean Enterprise Institute, Wins Prestigious Shingo Research Award

On the Mend tells the true story of how ThedaCare, a Wisconsin health system, implemented lean healthcare, a revolutionary new system for delivering more patient…

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Designing the Future: A WLEI Podcast with Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe and former COO Jim Morgan

LEI explores the early days and product development strategies of electrical-vehicle startup Rivian.

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Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe with Jim Morgan, Josh Howell and Matt Savas from the Lean Enterprise Institute


5 Guiding Principles for Tailoring a Path to Lean Transformation

Learn from top healthcare leaders who are transforming their organizations through lean thinking and practice.

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Diving Deeper into the Toyota Way: A Podcast with Jeff Liker

Professor Jeff Liker discusses the new, second edition of his classic book The Toyota Way on WLEI, the LEI podcast.

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Lexicon Term

Capital Linearity

A philosophy for designing and buying production machinery so that small amounts of capacity can be added or subtracted as demand changes. In this way,…

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Case Study

Lean Inroads Into Alabama Academia

Despite business’s declared need for graduates experienced with lean concepts, most colleges and universities offer only a lean module or course here and there. But…

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Columbus Public Schools Use Process Thinking to Improve Academic Achievement

Principals and staff at Columbus, Ohio, schools created current states and future states of a diagnostic testing process in order to identify students' weaknesses and to improve the processes…

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A Connecticut Yankee Machinist in Toyoda’s Castle

“Culture matters,” John Shook tells us in his post about Charles A. Francis, an American who worked for Toyota group founder Sakichi Toyoda in the…

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Rivian: The Electric-Vehicle Company Taking the Auto Industry by Storm

In this podcast, Rivian Founder and CEO R.J. Scaringe and former COO Jim Morgan discuss the challenges of forming a bold electric car company from…

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What is Lean?

Lean is a way of thinking about creating needed value with fewer resources and less waste. And lean is a practice consisting of continuous experimentation…

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Use Jidoka to Avoid Death by 1000 Cuts

I’ve learned from experience the need for tech teams to adopt jidoka as a basic design consideration: getting it 100% right the first time with…

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More Crisis Control at Boeing and the FAA – Some Lessons on Building in Quality from NUMMI

As Boeing grapples with recurring quality issues, this Design Brief article from John Shook explores how the NUMMI joint venture between Toyota and GM offers…

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Boeing 737


Dentist Drills Down to the Root Causes of Office Waste

Applying lean concepts to dentistry isn't as difficult as, well, pulling teeth. Dr. Sami Bahri, driven by a gut feeling that the traditional method of…

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Does lean change how you think about business?

Dear Gemba Coach: I can see that lean changes how one thinks about business, but can’t quite put my finger on it. If you had…

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Case Study

Putting Lean Principles in the Warehouse

While lean principles and practices have been widely adopted in manufacturing over the last couple of decades, their use in the warehouse and distribution center…

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