
Muda Corporation: Improving Your Suggestions System

Anyone who's had to implement a suggestions system in their organization knows it's not an easy task, especially from a cultural aspect. Marius Gil may…

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The Case for Good Jobs: Unlocking Productivity and Profits Through Employee Investment

Watch Sarah Kalloch, Executive Director at the Good Jobs Institute, as she presents the compelling business case for good jobs. Learn how prioritizing superior job…

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data on why we should invest in people




Lexicon Term


Kaizen is a Japanese word that means “continuous improvement”. Kaizen aims to make small, incremental improvements in processes and systems, leading to significant long-term benefits.…

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A chart showing the relationship between system kaizen, process kaizen, and management.

Lexicon Term

Operation Availabilty versus Operating Rate

Operational availability is the fraction of time a machine functions properly when needed. (Also called operable rate.) The operating rate is the amount of time…

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Press Release

Lean Supply Chain, Logistics, Warehousing, and Distribution Training Announced by the Lean Enterprise Institute

The two practical, how-two workshops will run April 29-May 2, 2014, at a working supply chain operations center so attendees can experience lean principles in…

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Press Release

Lean Supply Chain, Logistics, Distribution, and Warehousing Training Announced by the Lean Enterprise Institute

Two practical, how-two workshops will run September 23-26, 2014, at a working supply chain operations center so attendees can experience lean principles in action.

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A Postcard — with Leadership Insights — from Nashville

A look back at LEI’s Lean Transformation Summit in 2018 shares a few tips from CEO keynoters on how to successfully lead with lean thinking…

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For Lean Thinkers, "Clutch" Offers Lessons in Planning and Leading

Read an excerpt from Paul Sullivan's new book Clutch: Why Some People Excel Under Pressure and Others Don't, discussing what made Toyota a clutch performer…

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The Manufacturing Waste Series: Introduction

In the first installment of his new series on waste, Andrew Quibell's latest sketch introduces his take on why kaizen efforts often fail to achieve…

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Why Value-Stream Mapping is So Difficult in the Public Sector

Identifying value in an organization isn't the easiest task to accomplish. If you happen to work in the public sector, that fact goes double. Public-sector…

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Your Conversations on Lean Thinking and Practice in Healthcare

Check out the conversation topics (and report outs) from the Open Space learning session at the Lean Healthcare Transformation Summit last week in LA!

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Believe in One Thing All the Way

Who is a “superhero” in our companies, asks Darril Wilburn in this inspiring piece: Is it the person that can outperform nine others by three…

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Creating Lean Healthcare

Ten years ago this month I made a visit to the Mayo Clinic’s large medical complex in Rochester, Minnesota. I was not there as a…

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You Can't Know If You Don't Know

Recently LEI Chairman and CEO John Shook found an interesting blog by Dr. Helen Kales of the University of Michigan, musing on a powerful set…

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Part 2: What is the best lean way to understand VALUE (in terms of what our customers want)?

Dear Gemba Coach,   What is the best lean way to understand VALUE (in terms of what our customers want)

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I want to apply lean to engineering. Any thoughts?

Dear Gemba Coach: I am the regional manufacturing VP of a large industrial company. After the latest reorganization, engineering now comes under me. I’ve had…

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Can a pull system with zero stock make the company more fragile?

Dear Gemba Coach: Can a pull system with zero stock make the company more fragile?

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