
How Do I Keep My Lean Team Motivated for the Long Term?

Dear Gemba Coach: My team often feels that they are alone in their improvement efforts. Even after all our work we continue to encounter resistance…

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Should value-stream mapping come before 5S?

Dear Gemba Coach: Shouldn’t VSM come before 5S so we see the whole picture first?

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How effective is a book club?

Dear Gemba Coach: How effective is a book club? Should we invest in book clubs?

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What the heck is a dojo?

ear Gemba Coach: What is a “dojo”? I hear about it but don’t find it referenced in the lean tools. Is it important?

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Are Design Thinking and Lean Thinking the Same?

Dear Gemba Coach: As a practitioner and advocate of design thinking, I’ve been curious about lean, but it seems to me we’re talking about the…

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My CEO, who supported lean, has left and been replaced by a pure finance guy. It doesn't look good for the lean effort. What should I do?

Dear Gemba Coach: My CEO, who supported lean, has left and been replaced by a pure finance guy. It doesn’t look good for the lean…

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How can I speed up my team’s lean learning?

Dear Gemba Coach: How can I speed up my team’s lean learning?

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How do we pass the baton from one lean leader to the next?

Dear Gemba Coach: What are your thoughts about ensuring that a lean transformation persists past a leader’s tenure at an organization?

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As someone who is new to lean, is there something I’m not being told?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m new to lean, and I find it fascinating. Is there something I’m not being told? Is there an elephant in the…

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Gemba, workplace, genchi genbutsu, go-and-see ... What’s the difference?

Dear Gemba Coach: Is there a difference between “gemba” as used in lean texts and “genchi genbutsu” as they appear in Toyota literature?

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Ask Art: What Role does Human Resources Play in a Lean Turnaround?

Although you shouldn’t expect HR to lead the kaizen effort or set up extensive training programs, there is still plenty for them to do that…

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Take Baby Steps Towards Improvement

As you think about your 2019 resolutions, ask yourself if you’re making the change too big and, therefore, too scary, suggests Mark Graban. Instead of…

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7 Elements of Quality on the Shop Floor

"How do you lean out a quality approach that can work on the shop floor (maybe even compatible in a healthcare environment as well)?" people…

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Ask Art: Is there a formula to predict or evaluate the success of a lean implementation?

Art Byrne is often asked how to best measure the success of a lean transformation -- but does such a measurement even exist? He's been…

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Mining the Lessons From Designing the Future

Designing the Future shares a wealth of insights that transcend product development minutiae; this articles shares the broader argument presented by the authors in this…

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5S Is a Way of Thinking and Practice

It would be impossible to find a valid description of lean that does not include the importance of 5S for organization, standardization, and continuous improvement.…

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Is Lean Getting Lost in Translation?

As we struggle to learn together as a global lean community, what’s more important, lean “orthodoxy” (pure TPS) or lean integrity (true to the fundamentals,…

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Lean Books Roundup

"Several years back, LEI CEO John Shook discussed the need to explore the “frontiers and fundamentals” of lean..." writes Tom Ehrenfeld. "Three recent books reveal…

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Tackling the Problems at the Heart of Coaching

What is the best way to navigate the tough challenge of coaching someone productively? What is the best way to both challenge the individual while…

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The Courage to be Lean

A meaningful purpose is not what you are doing or how you are doing it, argue Joanna McGuffey and Tom Richert. It’s why your team…

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