

Improving Information Technology Processes with Lean Principles: An Interview with Steve Bell

Steve Bell, a lean IT coach, practitioner, and author is a trailblazer in the use of lean to improve information technology. Bell is the author…

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From Lean Tools to Lean Management

I’ve been thinking about the challenge of lean transformation for 27 years now, since I started studying Toyota as part of the MIT global automotive…

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How to A3: Resources for Developing Structured Problem-Solving and Leadership Skills

As LEI prepares its next course on Managing to Learn, here's a popular article rounding up a wealth of resources about practicing A3 Thinking by…

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What personal qualities should I work on to improve my practice of lean?

Dear Gemba Coach: What personal qualities should I work on to improve how I practice lean?

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What Problems Are Lean Practices? Part 1 of 2

Dear Gemba Coach: I keep reading that lean is about solving problems. But that's exactly what I already do in my job. So how is lean…

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3 Interview Questions to Gauge Candidates’ Problem-Solving Capacity

It's always great to promote from within when trying to fill lean leadership roles. But what if you have to fill the positions using external…

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Why do you keep referring to Toyota; does it still matter?

Dear Gemba Coach:  I’m very interested in lean, but fail to see why you guys keep referring to Toyota. What does a Toyota plant look like…

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Why haven't lean tools changed our culture?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m part of a team that has been tasked to implement lean tools across the company to drive continuous improvement actions, and…

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Seeing the Work of a Daily Management System

Daily management systems tap visual elements that expose problems, and also use obeyas as thinking spaces for reflecting on broader challenges, says Michael Balle.

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Using Lean Thinking to Resume Work Safely during the Covid-19 Pandemic

As LEI's webinar on "safe, smart steps for restarting production" approaches this week, here's a handful of articles about companies that are tackling the tough…

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How Do I Convince People to Practice Lean?

Dear Gemba Coach: I have previous lean experience, and have now joined a large bureaucratic organization. I’m trying to apply the lean approach, but the management…

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Short Stories and Quick Kaizens

Lean coach Danielle Blais continues to see opportunities for lean thinking just about everywhere she goes.

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Intentional Respect

"Most organizations fail to intentionally balance the technical tools side with the social side of Lean," writes Mike Orzen. "People say, 'We respect our people.…

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Why We Believe Tough Times and Opportunity Go Hand in Hand

In this detailed set of suggestions for managing the current challenges posed by Covid-19, Rose Heathcote and the Lean Sensei Women focus on leveraging assets…

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How to Fail At Lean in Four Easy Steps

Nobody wants to fail at lean, to be sure. Author Regis Medina calls our four surefire ways to achieve this goal, and suggests a more…

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What's the lean take on learning?

Dear Gemba Coach: Our previous CEO used to preach “servant leadership,” but now’s he’s left and the new style is far more traditional command and…

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Developing Meta-Habits at Baptist Memorial Memphis Hospital Emergency Department

After teeing up a problem in the Baptist Memorial Memphis Hospital ED using a Kata routine, Nursing Manager Melanie Mays now sees the need to…

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Why We Believe Micromanagement is Worth A Deeper Conversation

The Lean Sensei Women explore how poorly-focused micromanagement destroys trust--while well-placed micromanagement supports Lean fundamentals and delivers exceptional results.

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Advice from the Gemba: How Do People Accidentally Make Change Unsustainable?

The only thing tougher than change is SUSTAINING change, we often hear. But does sustaining change need to be SO hard? Is it naturally and…

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The Fight for the Meaning of Lean

"It seems like every one and their dog is doing Lean," writes Michael Ballé. "But what 'Lean' are we talking about? Is it the 'to…

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