

Why We Believe We Have All the Bricks to Build Our Future

In this wide-ranging article, lead author Catherine Chabiron and her fellow Lean Sensei Women propose a number of ways to tackle the new emerging challenges…

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What do the numbers 1/16, 4/04, 5/03, 5/30, 8/22, 10/23 and 12/20 have in common? They are the dates (day/month) that I sent out my…

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How Lean Thinking and Practices Can Help You Prepare for and Rebound from a Crisis

As the world emerges from the depths of the pandemic, the Lean Sensei Women share how lean can help you refocus from meeting the challenges…

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Seeing the Whole Value Stream

For the tens of thousands of users of value-stream mapping at the facility level, Seeing the Whole Value Stream provides the logical next step, extending…

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Seeing the Whole Value Stream


Handling the Heat of the Kitchen: A WLEI Podcast

Hear how LEI coaches helped a flagship restaurant's kitchen staff find and eliminate waste in their work processes, which led to better performance outcomes in…

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Handling the Heat of the Kitchen

Case Study

Standardized Work Hangs Ten with San Diego’s Surfing Culture -- Meeting the Challenges of Leadership, Culture, and Resistance

Instead of wiping out with a Southern California surfing school, the lean management principle of standardized had a positive impact, helping it boost surfing time…

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Designing the Future: A WLEI Podcast with Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe and former COO Jim Morgan

LEI explores the early days and product development strategies of electrical-vehicle startup Rivian.

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Rivian CEO RJ Scaringe with Jim Morgan, Josh Howell and Matt Savas from the Lean Enterprise Institute


In your opinion, is lean thinking a common sense way of working or is it counterintuitive? What makes you think that?

Here are all the submissions to the community sound off question: "In your opinion, is lean thinking a common sense way of working or is…

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Ask Art: Why Should I Convert to a Pull System?

Deliver more value to your customers by converting your business to a pull system and connecting demand directly to your production system, advises Art Byrne.

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Ask Art: Why Do I Need to Switch From Batch to Flow?

Moving from batch to flow reveals the waste in your processes and simplifies your work at a systems level, says Art Byrne. It creates simplicity,…

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Case Study

“Pulling” Lean Through a Hospital

It's not unusual for North American hospitals to try lean for processes where patient flow most impacts costs or revenue. These efforts, if successful, often…

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How Working In Oncology Has Reframed Failure and Success

Doctor Carlos "Fred" Pinto and his colleagues at IOV in Brazil have learned that resilience emerges when applying lean thinking consistently to support better care…

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Why does one-piece-flow matter?

Dear Gemba Coach: Recently, during a plant visit, our sensei made a big fuss because there were three parts between two operators and he insisted…

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Ask Art: Why Do Most Companies Think Of Lean as Just a Cost Reduction Program?

We shouldn’t be surprised at all that most companies approach lean as a cost reduction program, when it really is better understood as a time-based…

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The Lean Manager (Chapter 1)

The Lean ManagerChapter OneCUSTOMERS FIRST“He’s closing the plant!”Closing the plant meant losing his job. Losing his job meant losing Malancourt. Losing Malancourt didn’t bear thinking…

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Why aren’t the laws of lean articulated?

Dear Gemba Coach: Aren’t there laws of lean, just as there are laws of physics? And why aren’t these clearly articulated yet?

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Front-Load Your Design Process By Using Set-Based Design

Jeffrey Liker highlights the benefits of set-based design in this in-depth reflection of his time working in product development at Toyota.

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Want Better Employees? Be a Better Employer.

Every nation in the world is on a quest to create more jobs. As they should be. But, we don’t want just “jobs.” We want…

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Case Study

Lean Thinking in Aircraft Repair and Maintenance Takes Wing at FedEx Express

The FedEx Express lean initiative at its repair and maintenance facility at Los Angeles International Airport just began in December 2007 but has produced some…

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