

Art of Lean on Problem-Solving, Part 1: Coaching Problem-Solving

Art Smalley is back and ready to teach all about problem-solving, this time with an emphasis on coaching. He starts broad and goes deep in…

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Delivering Effectively on a Noble Mission: Community Servings Gets High-Quality Meals to the People Who Need Them

At the Lean Enterprise Institute (LEI), our partner organizations usually come to us, or a learning relationship develops over time due to an interest in…

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Diving Deep to Discover the Value of Lean Companies with Cliff Ransom

The following conversation drills down into the lessons learned from looking at public companies through lean-colored glasses.

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ASK ART: “Why do you say lean is all about people?”

Lean is all about people, says author and former CEO Art Byrne, who has been successfully turning around companies for over 20 years. That means…

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PDCA, Fitness Apps, and Using Social Media to Improve Our Health

"Health isn't about always being perfect," writes lean coach Tracey Richardson. "Just like in our organizations, we all have imperfect days. It’s how we change…

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Case Study

Landscape Forms Cultivates Lean to Fuel Growth Goals

With single-item orders 80% of the time, adopting single-piece flow and cellular production made sense to management at Landscape Forms, a low-volume, high-mix producer of…

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Three Core Capabilities in Any Lean Product and Process Development System

"Good development leaders work in earnest to create a 'safe culture' for people to share issues. Working to [drive out fear] is both important and…

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How Do We Help Our Plant Managers Want to Do Lean?

Dear Gemba Coach: We've just changed our divisional general manager and the new boss wants our lean approach to be less directive and more participative. That…

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How To Get Out of the Habit of Telling

How do we get out of the habit of just “fixing” the immediate problem at hand ourselves (or telling others how we think they should…

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Gemba and Quality

Dear Gemba Coach: We’ve made good progress on quality with Six Sigma, but we’ve reached a plateau. I’ve met a lean consultant who tells me…

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My Lean Journey: The 5Ss

Do you remember the first time you realized the true potential of lean in improving work output? Lean newcomer Cam Ford does - here's his…

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Ask Art: Am I Showing Respect for People by Asking for Fast Action?

Lean is a “learn by doing” exercise not a classroom training approach. The best method I know to achieve this is through a sustained high…

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Why We Believe Questions Accelerate Learning

The key to achieving better outcomes over time is to develop the vital skill of asking questions designed to spur critical thinking, argue the Lean…

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PD C+ A+ In the Classroom

Looking back on her time as a teacher through a lean lens, the author suggests how the process of education might be improved by examining…

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Is lean problem solving different from regular problem solving?

Dear Gemba Coach: How is lean problem solving any different from regular problem-solving?

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Understanding Lean Product and Process Development: An LEI Explainer Video

Learn what Lean Product & Process Development (LPPD) is, why it's critical in developing successful value streams, why companies struggle to implement its practices and…

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Improving a Complex Process that Saves Lives: Lean Transformation at LifeShare Donor Services of Oklahoma

"This is a model, like a lot of good leadership models, where you teach people the thinking and then need to get the heck of…

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Ask Art: Why do so few companies that implement lean do it successfully?

We've all heard the stories of failed lean implementations, as well as the hotly debated question of "Why did it fail?" In his many years…

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Art of Lean on Problem-Solving, Part 4: Military Science and Leadership

Art takes a look at the military and their methods of teaching to see what lean can borrow, giving the coaching side of lean even…

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Ask Art: Why Does Boosting Inventory Turns Matter So Much?

If you want to deliver more value to our customers such that you can grow and gain market share then you should certainly focus on…

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