

How Much Control Do I Need (and Need to Give Up) to Lead?

Dear Gemba Coach: I am interested in setting up a team for implementing lean. So far I have been trying to make changes on my…

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Being 'Right' is Not Enough

All of us have problem-solving experiences to reflect on and learn from. And what better time to draw out that learning than now, when we…

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Toyota's New Material-Handling System Shows TPS’s Flexibility

Art Smalley, LEI author and faculty member, reports on Toyota's new material-handling system for assembly areas that he saw in action at an engine plant…

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CRIISSP: The Lean Route to a Superior Stock Market Valuation

Long-term lean thinker and investment guru Cliff Ransom shares a seven-letter acronym, CRIISSP, to help identify the key (and most valued) qualities of superior lean…

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Use Lean Development Principles to Avoid "Traveling Hopefully" Down the Wrong Path

Lean development is less about creating highly detailed plans based on things you can’t possibly know in the beginning of a development program (like conventional…

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Managing to Connect the Macro with the Micro

LEI Chairman and CEO John Shook explains management PDCA: improving the way we align people with process to achieve purpose, connecting macro level business objectives…

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Pursuing Perfection: Craftsmanship in Product Development

This month’s Design Brief explores the concept of craftsmanship in design and engineering, how to cultivate it in individuals and organizations, and the benefits of…

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Faster than a Speeding Kanban...

"All of us living in Leanworld are well-trained to look for problems, identify gaps, and cure root causes," writes Brent Wahba. But if that's true,…

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Putting Passion on Your Dashboard

Understanding what customers value requires more than a marketing approach, says Dave Pericak, explaining how he learned about customer value from the Mustang owners who

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Coaching and Questions; Questions and Coaching

John Shook discusses the role of questioning

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Art of Lean on Situational Leadership, Part 5: Being an Expert and the D4-S4 Quadrant

To wrap up, Art Smalley gives some lasting impressions and key takeaways from his segmented takes on Situational Leadership. From continuing to analyze legendary leaders…

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Back to Basics: John Shook on the Role of Questions in Coaching

In this throwback to the classic John Shook eletter "Coaching and Questions; Questions and Coaching," we learn the impacts of asking coachees the right questions,…

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Where Lean Meets Innovation

"Many people see Lean purely as an improvement method, not a total enterprise solution or a new way of doing business," writes José Ferro. "In…

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It's Not All About the Cash: How to Help Leadership Understand Lean's Financial Benefits

Lean's cost savings might not show up immediately on the income statement -- but that doesn't mean there were no cost savings! Oftentimes the financial…

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Food Bank For New York City and Toyota: Unlikely Partners in Innovation

Margarette Purvis, President and CEO of Food Bank For New York City, will tell the story about Food Bank's partnership with TSSC at next week's…

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The Difference a Visual Cue Makes

At work and off the clock, visual cues and andons keep us safe and aware of what's going on at all times. How do you…

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Lean Production Begins with LPPD

To create a "turbo-charged product-creating machine, start by designing clear processes with useful tools and a “people first” culture--which form a socio-technical system underpinned by…

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And Now For Something Completely...Lean

Lean practice is no joke, argues Brent Wahba. And yet he draws lessons from great comedy to help address this key challenge: What is your…

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Generating Multiple Alternatives is Not Necessarily Waste

I was once asked: 'How is set-based design lean? Isnít designing multiple alternatives creating waste and the opposite of lean?'î writes Katrina Appell. It's true…

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