

A Lean "Teachable Moment": Starbucks in The Wall Street Journal

John Shook discusses recent news about Starbucks and lean.

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outside of Starbucks in Dartmouth MA


Why Coaching is the Hardest Job I've Ever Had

"In 2011 a new term entered my company... we went 'lean'," writes Kasey Corbishley. "The office buzzed with anxiety as whiteboards were erected, and the…

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How Purpose Shapes Culture

The author of Joy, Inc. reflects on the struggles and rewards of building a leadership culture that elevates human energy.

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The Human Element of TWI (Training Within Industry)

"When I’ve taught the TWI courses in countries all over the world, from India to Malaysia to Mexico to Germany, everyone understands and embraces these…

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Art of Lean on Problem-Solving, Part 8: Toyota Coaching Practices

Art describes some of the fundamental principles of Toyota coaching practices.

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How Do the Problems of Continuous Improvement Professionals Differ from Those of Line Managers

Dear Gemba Coach: How do the lean-related problems or responsibilities of ci professionals differ from those of line managers or business unit managers?

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The Angry Team Member and the Changing Organization

Toyota veteran and lean coach Lesa Nichols reflects on one of the most challenging and ultimately rewarding conversations she had with a team member.

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How to Launch Great Products Your Customers Will Love

A product director describes how her team increased its new-product adoption rate from 25% to 81% in three years.

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The problem: customer adoption rate only 25%


4Ps Prove Lean Applies Everywhere

Trainer Tracey Richardson explains how four deep principles reveal how lean thinking applies to any organization. 

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Ask Art: Is “We are customer-driven” a good lean strategy?

Art Byrne is often asked if "customer-driven" is a good lean strategy. The answer is yes - as long as it's done right. Read more.

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Is there such a thing as lean manufacturing engineering?

Dear Gemba Coach: I keep reading about lean engineering and lean design. Is there lean manufacturing engineering?

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Lean business-IT integration, Part Three: What is an integrated business-it value stream?

In this, the third article in a five part series on lean IT, LEI faculty member Steve Bell explores the fundamentals of integrating business and…

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Leading and Learning the Toyota Way

Lean coach and LEI faculty member, Tracey Richardson, tells us why a learner's attitude is essential for effective leadership and in creating a lean management…

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Kaizen is Fun? Really?

Dear Gemba Coach: I have been learning lean for three years now. My question to you: How is Kaizen 'fun'? Doing lean shakes people out of…

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Thinking About Buffers and Production Systems (Birth of Lean Chapter IV – "The Evolution of Buffers at Toyota" – Kaneyoshi Kusunoki )

John Shook: "This week I continue my indulgence in exploring the Birth of Lean with a look at another chapter that some readers may tend…

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Making the World Better by Advancing Lean Thinking and Practice

When establishing a scholarship and philanthropy fund, the Lean Enterprise Institute practices what it preaches.

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JPW Fund A3


Lean Is A Product-Driven Strategy

What is at the core of lean? Michael Balle argues, in terms of our best known example: "Toyota is not an efficiency-driven company. It’s a…

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Matched Pairs: To Improve Supplier Relationships, Start Inside Your Organization

Jim Morgan shares how adopting a Matched Pair strategy that teams supply chain and engineering leaders with a common plan, shared objectives and a powerful…

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If lean is all about people, why are the discussions impersonally cold and rational?

Dear Gemba Coach: Lean thinkers say it’s all about people, but the debates are then all so cold and rational. Where are the emotions and the…

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There are so many lean management principles to know and tools to master at the start – is there an easier way to begin?

Dear Gemba Coach: Isn’t there an easier way to start lean? For a beginner, it seems like such a mountain to climb – all these…

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