

Reason #27 Why Your CEO Is Just Not That Into Lean

You know the value of Lean, but maybe your boss or a key member of the senior leadership team doesn't. To get more traction and…

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How do I know if someone is really incompetent or just struggling?

Dear Gemba Coach: How do I recognize when someone is really incompetent? Sometimes people don’t have results because they’re put in a tough spot.

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On Coaching

I'm a long-time fan of Brasilian futbol (or as some of us call it, soccer). This World Cup, I've been won over by the Mexican…

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Follow-up to your comments on the “lean is a scam” column

Dear Gemba Coach Readers: I’ve been following the “scam” discussion with interest. Thank you for reading and taking the time to comment. Maybe the original questioner’s…

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Advice from the Gemba: Top Mistakes Lean Leaders Make III

Mistakes are just a part of lean, even for leaders. Luckily they're also a great opportunity for improvement. Today three lean practitioners share mistakes they…

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Becoming the Change: Talking Healthcare Transformation with Kim Barnas and John Toussaint on the WLEI Podcast

In this WLEI podcast, Becoming the Change authors Kim Barnas and John Toussaint discuss the personal challenges facing healthcare leaders who are committed to the…

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Raised by Toyota: A Question and Answer with Tracey and Ernie Richardson

In this extended interview, Toyota veterans Tracey and Ernie Richardson share how they learned at the source, explain how they apply their lessons widely (including…

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How do you define respect for people?

Dear Gemba Coach: Can you be more specific about “respect” in lean? The term is being used in our company but I fear it sounds…

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A More Prepared Coach

"Many coaching situations we enter...with so little knowledge about the situation and how things work," writes Josh Howell. "Instead we rely on our wits and…

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Am I doing lean right? How can I tell?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m spending a lot of time at the gemba, but how do I know if I’m doing lean right?

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Ask Art: What Does a Lean Manager Do Differently?

"The lean leader has a vision for growth just like the traditional manager, but he sees the source of growth quite differently," writes Art Byrne.…

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The Lean Management System: The Key to Sustainability and CI, an Interview with Joe Murli

Achieving wins is only half the battle in a lean transformation - you also need a way to sustain those wins and foster a culture…

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LEI's New Indicator That Can't Lie

I’m often asked by operations managers how they can know if their firm is really getting lean. My answer is simple: Just check your inventory…

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3 Common Problems in Government that A3 Thinking Can Help Solve

I’m always surprised at how little the public sector uses A3 thinking to tackle their toughest challenges. It’s the same thing every time – the…

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Why Leadership and "Respect" Are Fundamentally Entwined

Hear the word "respect" and most of us can think of a time we've wanted our boss, team member, or employee to "be more respectful."…

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Why We're Thankful For Lean

Thanksgiving is a time of year when Americans take a day to step back and appreciate everything they have to be thankful for. Here at…

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How NOT to Jump to Solutions When Facing A Problem

Dan Markovitz argues that productive leaders solve problems by leveraging a deep understanding of the facts, buffering them from the temptation to jump to solutions.…

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The Best of The Lean Post 2013: Top Posts

It's time to look back on the best posts of 2013 (as determined by you, Lean Post readers). Which articles did you expect to make…

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Identifying the Organizational Problem and Opportunity at Community Servings

Lean is first and foremost about learning by doing, so during summer 2012, the LEI team headed to Community Servings (the gemba) to learn its…

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Getting the Right Product Right, and Other Product Development Trends

As a lean product and process development coach John Drogosz, PhD, works closely with companies in a variety of industries that are redesigning development systems…

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