

The Tipping Point?

Early efforts to apply lean principles to healthcare faltered and for many years the challenge seemed to be too great. It took time and many…

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Tap the Power of Flow to Develop Lean Thinkers

Flow is personal--a moment of enrichment, and a mental state. It´s stretching oneself just that little bit extra, not because someone else tells us to,…

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Real Respect Feels Like Knowing You've Been Heard

Showing respect by actively listening to others--being present in mind and body, consciously attending to what is said, connecting with the person not just the…

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Let the Work Define the Process

We’re all short on time, but think for a moment with your team about the real work to be done in any process you’re working…

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Why Creating Products Customers Actually Want Requires a Great Process

80% of the cost (and hence, waste) is committed for a new product or service by the time product designs get locked-in during development. Still,…

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Dear Gemba Coach: I work for a large governmental organization that has decided to do lean. I have been interested in lean for some time, yet…

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How do I love thee? Let me count the ways – on a Valentine’s Day A3

The question lean practitioners Tracy and Ernie Richardson get more than any other isn’t about problem-solving, takt time, standardization, or their book. It’s about their…

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More than a New Product – A New Way of Thinking

"Successful entrepreneurs, whether they are lone figures toiling in garages or supporting new work at major companies, are rightly celebrated for creating hit products," says…

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You Can't Kaizen Chaos

LEI coach Danielle Blais shares why she believes lean thinking means little without practice, explains the importance of stable work processes, and offers guidance on…

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Looking at 5 Easy Steps to Simplify the A3 Process

Taking on an A3 can be daunting, and Eric Ethington is here to remind you that this is normal but preventable. He has five great…

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Take Your Product Testing to the Extreme

Many of the principles of lean product and process development can seem counterproductive at first glance. For example, what if someone told you that the…

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Developing Awareness on the Gemba

Lean Sensei Sandrine Olivencia shares practical advice on ways to be present and to coach in the moment at the gemba

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The Trouble with Lean Experts

Dear Gemba Coach: I run a Lean Promotion Office (LPO)  and my team mostly conducts kaizen events across the company. We are usually seen as successful…

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The Ingredients of Lean

Lean practitioner Steve Brenneman finds shared values in his Mennonite faith and his lean practice: a strong set of values like community over individual, thriftiness…

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Ask Art: Why Do I Need a Kaizen Promotion Office (KPO)?

A veteran lean leader explains why companies seeking to cultivate a lean culture should establish an internal team to oversee the effort and explains how…

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office sign that says - Kaizen Promotion Office


Lean at Heart: Kanban

The underlying principles of lean can be found everywhere in daily life. In this article Masia Goodman identifies examples of "Better" practices that overlap with…

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Any step forward in a lean transformation is a good step -- right?

Dear Gemba Coach: Surely a step forward in a lean transformation is a good thing, even if it’s not completely in the right direction?

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From Concept to Reality: The Importance of Manufacturing Know-How in Product Development

This month’s Design Brief examines the know-how behind making things well, including how rigorous process development paired with product development improves quality and costs, how…

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GM Is Bankrupt: Does That Mean GM Managers Are Bad Managers?

John Shook discusses GM's bankruptcy and management

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How Well Can Lean Principles Fuel New Ventures Like Tesla and Rivian?

How well do lean principles apply to the grueling challenge of launching a company—let alone launching a brand new automotive company?

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