

Lean Product and Process Development at Scale: Implementing Obeya Across Global Teams

When implementing obeya workplaces globally, an easy trap to fall into is requiring that each location have the same look, feel, and metrics. Steve Shoemaker,…

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How Do I Measure People Development?

Dear Gemba Coach: What is the metric for people development?

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Embracing Standard Work in Lean Accounting: An Interview with Mark DeLuzio

How standard work catalyzes continuous improvement in lean accounting and finance -- and any other work area.

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The Problem with the US Open

What do Roger Federer, ESPN, and the US Open have to do with problem solving?

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Do You Have a Capacity Problem or Flow Problem?

"Sometimes it’s hard to pinpoint the exact root cause of a problem," writes Adam Hillsamer of Arnett Hospital in Indiana, "especially when one is masquerading…

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Applying Lean Thinking and Practice to Systemic Racism, Part 2 of 2

To create anti-racist organizations to fit, value, and respect all people, leaders should step forward with a sound vision framed by the five principles of…

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Are You Organized for Leadership?

LEI President Josh Howell reflect on a recent learning tour to Toyota and GE Appliances, sharing insights the group gathered about lean transformation.

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Lean Continuous Improvement as Culture

Author David Verble shares three fundamental ways that a lean culture bases its practice of continuous improvement on the principle of respect.

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How Lean Thinking and Practice Helped Put Shots in Arms, Part 2: Wind-Down and Reflection

Four overarching operational lessons from the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center's successful mass vaccination experience show how lean thinking and practice helps organizations work…

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Case Study

Linking Lean Thinking to the Classroom

As team members sat down to discuss hiring a new production employee, the conversation gradually centered on the need to determine if operations could be…

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Summit Highlights: Healthcare Value Network and Bahri Dental Group Bring Lean Into Healthcare

A recap of two talks at the 2012 Lean Transformation Summit: Dr. John Toussaint's talk on the work of the Healthcare Value Network and lean's…

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Any thoughts about lean and Industry 4.0?

Dear Gemba Coach: What about lean and digital? Any thoughts? And on Industry 4.0?

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Using Value Stream Management to Better Care for Stroke Patients

"To make value stream management really work, the most significant cause for transformation lay simply in the shifting of team members’ mindsets," writes Lori Smith.…

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Why do you lean guys always focus on shop floor processes? The lack of clarity and focus at headquarters is far worse!

Dear Gemba Coach: Why do you lean guys always focus on shop floor processes? The lack of clarity and focus at headquarters is far worse! 

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How do I implement standard work in an office environment?

Dear Gemba Coach: I really enjoyed reading your article on the difference between standard work and procedures back in December. It really helped clarify the…

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200,000 Preventable Deaths: It’s Time for Fundamental Change

The news reports that an estimated 200,000 people will die from preventable medical mistakes this year is a sad and telling statement on the abundant…

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A Week of Kaizen in Just One Day

"Often when I hear people talk about kaizen, they are under the impression that this is some huge event with dozens of people fixing loads…

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