

Rebuilding Homes and Disaster Recovery Processes

When Liz McCartney and Zack Rosenburg left their careers to help desperate victims of Hurricane Katrina rebuild, they knew nothing about construction or lean management.…

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Counteracting the Big Project Blues

Lean thinking is well and good, Erin Urban says, but often it takes time to see the real fruits of your labor. "Not all improvement…

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Pursuing Dreams, Facing Reality

In this letter shared to his fellow Menloians, Rich Sheridan acknowledges the new reality they all must fact, and commits to making the most with…

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Using A3 Problem Solving to Make the Thinking Process Visible

In this excerpt from The Toyota Way to Lean Leadership, authors Jeff Liker and Gary Convis share a story of how Gary learned the value…

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"But TPS Doesn't Apply to Us...."

Yes, cars are not weaving looms. Patients are not cars, either. Airplanes are not cars. Electric vehicles are not the same as internal-combustion engine vehicles.…

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The Case for Good Jobs: Unlocking Productivity and Profits Through Employee Investment

Watch Sarah Kalloch, Executive Director at the Good Jobs Institute, as she presents the compelling business case for good jobs. Learn how prioritizing superior job…

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data on why we should invest in people


Muda Corporation: Improving Your Suggestions System

Anyone who's had to implement a suggestions system in their organization knows it's not an easy task, especially from a cultural aspect. Marius Gil may…

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Case Study

Craftsmanship Revolution: GE Appliances Redefines Appliance Product Development

Explores GE Appliances' transformation journey, where craftsmanship meets cutting-edge digital tools to create a revolution in product development and manufacturing.

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An A3 Antidote to the Opiate Epidemic

Opiate use in America has been spiking at an alarming rate. Many healthcare organizations, such as the University of Michigan Medical School, are trying to…

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Respect for People Means Taking Care with Your Questions

Asking effective questions is an art in and of itself, says Karen Gaudet, in this excerpt from her new book, Steady Work. Of the many…

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How can I speed up my team’s lean learning?

Dear Gemba Coach: How can I speed up my team’s lean learning?

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“Lean Production” Turns 25

Author and management expert James Womack talks with The Leaning Edge about the state of lean management and what’s new in his latest book, the…

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Product Development Is Where to Cut Carbon Emissions; Here's How

Consumers want products updated more frequently, which is great for consumers and business but not so great for the environment because a third of man-made…

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Get On Your Sneakers and Start Conversations, Learning How to Create End-to-End Excellence

Take a (gemba) walk on the sustainable improvement side with Ingersoll Rand.

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The Role of Strategic Design Events in Lean Healthcare: An Interview with Mindy Hangsleben

Faced with a new incoming healthcare policy, Mindy Hangsleben and her team at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services knew a transformation was needed.…

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