

Believe in One Thing All the Way

Who is a “superhero” in our companies, asks Darril Wilburn in this inspiring piece: Is it the person that can outperform nine others by three…

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Now What Do We Call the Karaoke Bar?

We asked the lean community to sound off on whether or not they favored using Japanese terms in their lean transformations. The results were interesting…

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Why Visualize?

Dear Gemba Coach: Why do you insist so much on visualizing information?

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Exploring the Technical and Nontechnical Challenges of Being a Chief Engineer, A Candid Conversation with Two CEs (Part 1)

Chief engineers typically have strong technical skills to effectively lead and manage the work of engineers, designers, and other developers. But perhaps their greatest talent…

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Andon Cues Service Center to Respond to Customer Queue

An Ohio Mutual service center has no andon cord to stop a production line but the principal is the same as in a factory --…

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Ask Art: Is there a formula to predict or evaluate the success of a lean implementation?

Art Byrne is often asked how to best measure the success of a lean transformation -- but does such a measurement even exist? He's been…

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Taiichi Ohno's Birthday and 100 Years of Lean

Today is Taiichi Ohno's birthday. Were he alive, the primary developer of the Toyota Production System would be turning 100 years old. Much has happened…

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How do we pass the baton from one lean leader to the next?

Dear Gemba Coach: What are your thoughts about ensuring that a lean transformation persists past a leader’s tenure at an organization?

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In Lean We Trust; Especially in a Crisis 

When phone calls and cancellations started coming in, the COVID-19 crisis became more than a news report about somewhere else. We knew we had our own situation to deal with. 

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How should I accelerate my own learning?

Dear Gemba Coach: How should I accelerate my own learning?

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Understanding the True Cost of Care

"Today, frontline clinicians are being asked to provide even more cost-efficient care to patients yet few understand how to do so," writes Jordan Harmon of…

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Improving Information Technology Processes with Lean Principles: An Interview with Steve Bell

Steve Bell, a lean IT coach, practitioner, and author is a trailblazer in the use of lean to improve information technology. Bell is the author…

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Lean Product and Process Development – Stories from the Field

Jim Morgan shares stories of his field work and research for LPPD at LEI.

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No Such Thing As a Funny Lean Joke?

Does a good lean joke exist? LEI staffer Josh Rapoza really wants to believe it's possible for Lean and humor to come together.

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Thinking Outside the Pyramid

Machiavelli said it's better to be feared than loved. Lean practitioner Daniel Fisher rejects this idea and argues it’s better to respect people and be…

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A Video Primer on Improvement and Coaching Kata

A veteran kata instructor offers a brief explanation of two vital problem-solving and innovation-driving practices.

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What is kata?


Gemba, workplace, genchi genbutsu, go-and-see ... What’s the difference?

Dear Gemba Coach: Is there a difference between “gemba” as used in lean texts and “genchi genbutsu” as they appear in Toyota literature?

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Mining the Lessons From Designing the Future

Designing the Future shares a wealth of insights that transcend product development minutiae; this articles shares the broader argument presented by the authors in this…

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I am the Violin, or, Mastery through Doing

Developing lean vision, lean mastery, is hard work says Orry Fiume, who compare this learning journey to a childhood prodigy who explained her young talent…

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5S Is a Way of Thinking and Practice

It would be impossible to find a valid description of lean that does not include the importance of 5S for organization, standardization, and continuous improvement.…

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