

Is Lean Thinking Art or Science? Yes

Calling the recent book Lean Conversations a landmark initiative on lean and the arts, John Shook observes that "If Jean Cocteau’s famous observation that 'art…

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What does customer focus really mean?

Dear Gemba Coach: We’re discussing improving our customer focus, but we’ve realized we’re not quite sure what the phrase really means. Any pointers?

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Leave Your Ego at the Door

Jim Morgan reflects on what he's learned from Alan Mulally (CEO of Ford Motor Company 2006-2014)--lessons like the importance of providing people with context, always…

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Learning Lean - Collaboratively

John Shooks reflects on the importance of continual learning in lean practice, emphasizing the distinction between being a passive knower and an active learner.

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young people at at white board with post-its discussing


Could you clarify the difference between cause and root cause?

Dear Gemba Coach: Could you clarify the difference between cause and root cause?

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How Do I Keep My Lean Team Motivated for the Long Term?

Dear Gemba Coach: My team often feels that they are alone in their improvement efforts. Even after all our work we continue to encounter resistance…

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Is Lean Getting Lost in Translation?

As we struggle to learn together as a global lean community, what’s more important, lean “orthodoxy” (pure TPS) or lean integrity (true to the fundamentals,…

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For Lean Thinkers, "Clutch" Offers Lessons in Planning and Leading

Read an excerpt from Paul Sullivan's new book Clutch: Why Some People Excel Under Pressure and Others Don't, discussing what made Toyota a clutch performer…

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Mega Mura Bubble Trouble

I started writing my monthly e-letter in October of 2001 to speak to the worries of the Lean Community as the world economy slid into…

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Launching and Sustaining a Lean “Pop-Up”

"It’s not unusual for a lean leader or lean practitioner to feel alone, especially in a company or enterprise early in its lean journey," writes…

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Getting Started with Lean Thinking and Practice

This brief animation answers the novice lean thinkers’ most common question.

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Animation on Starting a Lean Journey


6 Insights on How to Show Respect for People: A Lean Post Roundup

Practicing respect in a lean environment requires both a general mindset committed to the practice and constant daily actions grounded in the work. This roundup…

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Tackling the Problems at the Heart of Coaching

What is the best way to navigate the tough challenge of coaching someone productively? What is the best way to both challenge the individual while…

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Should value-stream mapping come before 5S?

Dear Gemba Coach: Shouldn’t VSM come before 5S so we see the whole picture first?

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Part 2: What is the best lean way to understand VALUE (in terms of what our customers want)?

Dear Gemba Coach,   What is the best lean way to understand VALUE (in terms of what our customers want)

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How effective is a book club?

Dear Gemba Coach: How effective is a book club? Should we invest in book clubs?

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What the heck is a dojo?

ear Gemba Coach: What is a “dojo”? I hear about it but don’t find it referenced in the lean tools. Is it important?

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Ask Art: What Role does Human Resources Play in a Lean Turnaround?

Although you shouldn’t expect HR to lead the kaizen effort or set up extensive training programs, there is still plenty for them to do that…

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Is the digital revolution a more important business development than lean?

Dear Gemba Coach, Isn’t the digital revolution, especially in services, a more important business development than lean?

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Lean Information Management

Recently I was walking through a manufacturing operation and found myself wondering about the principles of lean information management, in particular with regard to production…

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person with iPad controlling MRP