

Small Chart, Big Impact: How a Simple Spaghetti Chart Led to Huge Wins at Thrustmaster of Texas

Sometimes the simplest lean concepts can make all the difference in ensuring a successful transformation. Marine-propulsion manufacturer Thrustmaster of Texas found this out after creating…

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How to Start the A3 Problem-Solving Process

Why the best, most productive way to “start an A3” is by recognizing that the A3 problem-solving methodology is a “slow-thinking” process.

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hands holding a paper with A3 template on it

Press Release

Lean Supply Chain, Logistics, Warehousing, and Distribution Training Announced by the Lean Enterprise Institute

The two practical, how-two workshops will run April 29-May 2, 2014, at a working supply chain operations center so attendees can experience lean principles in…

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Using Lean Thinking to Create an “Emergency Management System”

The Lynn Community Health Center (LCHC) demonstrates how one organization with scarce resources can respond to a problem as daunting as a global pandemic using…

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Press Release

Lean Supply Chain, Logistics, Distribution, and Warehousing Training Announced by the Lean Enterprise Institute

Two practical, how-two workshops will run September 23-26, 2014, at a working supply chain operations center so attendees can experience lean principles in action.

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What happens after the lean coach leaves?

As a lean coach, after you move to a new management assignment, finish a training course, or run several kaizen events, can the team you…

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Standardize Locally

A few weeks ago, during a day-long meeting with an executive management team, the topic of standardized work came up … again. It’s been popping up in…

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Creating Lean Healthcare

Ten years ago this month I made a visit to the Mayo Clinic’s large medical complex in Rochester, Minnesota. I was not there as a…

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The Business Case for Kaizen

Dear Gemba Coach: I can see the benefits kaizen has brought our company, but find it hard to formulate the argument persuasively. Is there a…

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Ron Pereira and Jim Morgan Discuss the Power of Lean Product and Process Development

Check out excerpts from Gemba Academy's podcast with Jim Morgan on core lean product and process development concepts, what makes "LPPD" different from traditional product…

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Are You Training People to Think or to Follow a Checklist?

"Without attention to why continuous improvement is important, the purpose behind [PDCA], when tools should be used, and when to apply ideas," Erin Urban writes,…

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A Postcard — with Leadership Insights — from Nashville

A look back at LEI’s Lean Transformation Summit in 2018 shares a few tips from CEO keynoters on how to successfully lead with lean thinking…

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Intentional Respect

"Most organizations fail to intentionally balance the technical tools side with the social side of Lean," writes Mike Orzen. "People say, 'We respect our people.…

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How Do I Lead An Existing Lean Initiative as a Newcomer?

Dear Gemba Coach: The head of the lean initiative in our company has left and they gave me the job. I’ve been asked to review our…

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As someone who is new to lean, is there something I’m not being told?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m new to lean, and I find it fascinating. Is there something I’m not being told? Is there an elephant in the…

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You Can't Know If You Don't Know

Recently LEI Chairman and CEO John Shook found an interesting blog by Dr. Helen Kales of the University of Michigan, musing on a powerful set…

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Why You Should Link Hoshin Kanri with A3 Problem-Solving

With A3 tightly linked to hoshin, an organization will not only solve problems but also will have the opportunity to innovate new ways of operating…

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Designing Hospitals in Collaboration with Patients and Families

LEI coach Danielle Blais shares her reflections on a recent visit to Nemours Children's Hospital in Orlando, a hospital built from the ground up using…

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Managing to Create Problem-Solvers: A Lean Transformation Summit Roundup

Countless people have asked us over the years, "My organization can't be lean without a problem-solving culture. So how do I create one?" The answer:…

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"Roll"-ing Out Lean at Kura Sushi

Self-professed "lean geek" Katie Anderson has eaten several meals at Kura Sushi restaurants and shares her observations on what she sees as lean principles at…

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