

Why Mass Training In Anything Doesn't Work

So you’re excited about Lean and want to show your commitment by training all of your people. LEI’s Director of Education Olga Flory says there…

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LEI's indicator that can't lie: Doing the math

Jim elaborates on the idea of using inventory turns as a measure of lean transformation

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Managing to Win: The Remarkable Lean Transformation of Phase 2

Revisit the enlightening case study of Phase 2's lean transformation in the face of losing its biggest customer, plus insider info from an interview with…

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And the Best Articles from 2014 Are...

Two weeks ago we asked for your favorite Lean Post articles of 2014 and the results are in!

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Be a Better Coach; Learn to “Force” Reflection Part 2: Forcing Managers and Execs to Reflect

How to hold senior-level leaders accountable for expected behaviors and practices, such as the PDCA process' "check/reflect" phase.

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LEI Expands Global Network

When I founded the Lean Enterprise Institute in Boston in 1997, I wanted to create a global network of non-profit institutes working horizontally to advance…

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The Mind of the Lean Manager

Moving beyond lean tools to embrace lean management techniques requires a shift in mindset—one that prioritizes problem-solving, experimentation, and continuous improvement at every level of…

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tree as a lean mindset metaphor. roots = gemba, continuous imprivement. Trunk = lean mindset, and branches = problem solving, experimentation, adaptability.


What can we do to instill some passion in leadership about our lean implementation?

Dear Gemba Coach: I’m in a company that is trying to implement lean but sees it simply as a series of rote steps to iterate…

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Make Using Lean Thinking to Help Solve Societal Problems Your New Year’s Resolution

The nation needs lean thinkers and practitioners to apply their problem-solving prowess to address issues of national concern.

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Back to Basics: Jim Womack on Why Managers Need a "Lean State of Mind"

In this classic eletter from 2009, Jim Womack explains the crucial importance of a "lean state of mind" if a lean manager is going to…

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Never Fail...To Create the Conditions for People to be Successful

In this excerpt from Learning to Lead, Leading to Learn, Katie Anderson shares the story of how Isao Yoshino learned first-hand the value that Toyota…

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Book Value: Jim Womack on Ford Methods and Ford Shops

Jim Womack, author of Lean Thinking and founder of The Lean Enterprise Institute, reflects on one of the books that greatly influenced his thinking.

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Making Your Work Work in the First 90 Days

In your first 90 days as a lean leader, what path will you take to support transformation? Andrew Quibell details the elements of both a…

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Your Value Stream Map Looks a Little Different...

If you think there’s a different way of applying a tool, ask, “Are we changing the tool to prevent us from changing the organization, or…

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LEI looks for success stories to share

I routinely end my talks by offering to give anyone 15 minutes of fame in my and Dan Jones’s next book if they will do…

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The Art of Lean: Use These Tools to Help You Improve a Process, Part 1

Learn about this four-step approach that will help you “pinpoint the tricky parts” of a process as you work to improve it. Art Smalley, president…

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Does a lean transformation boost a company's stock price?

Dear Gemba Coach: You’ve worked with a lot of different companies in the public and private sectors. How have the stock prices of the public…

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Any advice for a team with a new boss who doesn’t know lean but wants us to switch to agile instead?

Dear Gemba Coach: We have a new boss who doesn’t know lean and is asking our lean team to switch to “agile” instead. Any advice?

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Learn by Doing: Overcoming Inertia and Triggering Engagement Through Kaizen

Practicing daily kaizen powerfully drives the heart of any serious lean effort to learn and improve, a topic that will be addressed in the Virtual…

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Providing machines and operators the ability to detect when an abnormal condition has occurred and immediately stop work. This enables operations to build in quality…

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