
Lexicon Term


A method of conducting one-piece flow in a cell where machines unload parts automatically so that the operator (or operators) can carry a part directly…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Releases New “Womack on Lean Management” DVD

James Womack, who led the MIT research team that gave lean production its name, reveals his latest research and thinking about lean management on a…

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Press Release

Lean Enterprise Institute Publishes 2nd Edition of Seeing the Whole Value Stream with New Examples of Lean Supply Chain Analysis

Download value-stream maps of supply chains from manufacturing and service companies along with excerpts from Seeing the Whole Value Stream at the Lean Enterprise Institute’s…

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Lexicon Term


The process of switching from the production of one product or part number to another in a machine (e.g., a stamping press or molding machine)…

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Lexicon Term


Gemba (現場) is the Japanese term for “actual place,” often used for the shop floor or any place where value-creating work actually occurs. It is…

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Press Release

Lean Management Book, Gemba Walks, by James Womack Challenges the Prevailing Management System

The latest book from the researcher who led the team that coined “lean production>” explores why lean management is better than the currently dominant management…

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Why You Should Link Your Hoshin Kanri and A3 Management Processes

An organization that integrates a robust long-term-oriented strategy deployment process with a daily management process achieves greater performance gains than an organization with only one…

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We're Ernie and Tracey Richardson: Ask Us Anything

It's our second "Ask Me Anything" post, this time with lean coaches Tracey and Ernie Richardson. With a combined 54 years of experience at Toyota,…

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A Reflection on Competition

A meta-analysis of research shows that among the three main ways of achieving business goals, collaboration beats competition and individualism a little more than 50%…

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Creating a Learning and Improvement Environment in a Virtual World

Mount Sinai Health System Shares its Approach to Adapting Quickly to New Realities.

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